Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sleeper cells of status quo treachery.

When will these status quo people quit selling us out, and quit buying into the overpriced ideals their obviously to morally bankrupt to afford? The people that lack the resiliency to actually resist the absurdities conditioned against the will of our people really have their work cut out for them. Feeding into ideals of the predomant white premium that in reality doesn't keep their needs in mind just to feel validated against those of us realistically approaching, challenging the broke system they take comfort in. They create a false bravado to make it seem as if their current on the needs of our people, when in actuality their just trying to gain acceptance from those directly threatening their self centered interests in order to infiltrate and sabotage the movement against their inherent, status quo treachery. They do their best to deny their status quo, when in fact that is all they reflect is status quo ideals and values. Once they realize those they are unable to Abate from their principles Are too keen to their obsolete, self centered ideals, they become resentful, demeaning, spiteful, degrading and stand offish. They'll try to demonize, vilify you in the company of other self centered treacherous status quo cowards. Them and their co-conspirators form a coalition of treachery just to maintain their status quo jobbery, this is the core root of their motivation to "be involved" and get" organized". A lot of inconsiderate, short sighted, instant gratification taking place, over shadowing the actually needs of those they try to utilize for their own opportunistic endeavors. Some of these obviously treacherous, corrupt people give themselves more credit then the deserve. Delusions of grandeur. Fact is, they've been involved for years with no progress made in favor of those they try to represent in order to exploit just so they might gain opportunity and audience with those that utilized them to maintain status quo oppression over the matters of our people. That's why I am fine with not having the approval or acceptance of all those claiming their involved, because most are only involving themselves for the wrong reasons. These people are only making fools of themselves trying to covertly uphold their devious, narrow, self centered ideals against us. These people are some of the biggest hypocrites you'll encounter if you decide to genuinely take a position in the interests of our people. They'll welcome you with open arms just stab you in the back while their condescendingly embracing you in a false sense of fellowship. This might not even have been their conscience decisions. They might just be conditioned, indoctrinated, assimilated into thinking this is how we go about matters. That's why I say inherently treacherous, they might be carrying on a legacy of shame they try to shroud with their supposed dedication to our people. That's why I think qualifications and credentials are overrated. Who wants to be qualified or have credibility to uphold broken ways of thinking diminishing our way of life as Anishinasbeg? Educate yourselves to their broken ideals so we can dismantle them, don't dedicate and condition them into your own. Don't let them disconnect you or make you fall out of touch with our people. I'm not condemning these people to their treacherous ways, I just want them to come to terms with themselves so they can achieve their potential to becoming a actual asset to our struggles. The counterproductive individualistic ideals polluting our tribal issues has to eventually be discarded if they want to become effective in helping our people rise out of hopelessness and despair. But first they need to quit thinking they can rise to opportunity on the backs of the downtrodden. Their worse then the drug dealers that keep our people accessible to their treachery, their the gate keepers, the agents of oppression, sleeper cells of treachery that activate when a probable threat emerges to confront their broken way of thinking robbing us of the solutions we deserve. They have compromised far too much to realize they have inadvertently made themselves a enemy of our people, or way of life. They have convinced themselves they are beyond reprisal, or being held accountable for their selfish ways. They broken system we take a stand against empowers these traitors, gives them the means to enforce it's oppressive bureaucracies against us. These people need to become aware of their treachery, or aware we know they knowingly operate from treachery. That's not hard to determine. Whats hard is facing these people on the battlefields in front of us. Yeah they might be at a systematic advantage, but we have virtues at our disposal They think treachery can compensate for. We are the guerrillas of this war to reclaim our integrity, our dignity from these individuals that have decided to take advantage of our situations. We have watched them, studied them long enough. The time for action is now. The odds might not be in our favor, but when has that ever stopped our people from achieving what we require for survival?