Friday, December 21, 2012

Decolonize your lies.

It’s not about losing faith, its about coming to terms with those that are beyond your grasp of reason. That are too arrogant for logical compassion. Too self-absorbed to be genuinely concerned about those that look to them for solution. When we need to be looking beyond them for solutions. Where the advice of others has no value amongst their self-aggrandizing short comings they have convinced themselves is their strength. Leech lake has been idling no more towards their fiscal cliff for decades. Being punked around by those with money within the MCT while languishing in their scraps. Cobell, nelson, and every other so-called leader that has put themselves up for sale are being validated by those frivolous few that have condemned themselves the chiefs of this vanishing market of misery and suffering. It’s not hard to differentiate who cares from those pretend to care. Where they can throw a little of their easy money at the problems of those they stand on the backs of to give themselves this false sense of superiority. Superiority complex must be the consequence of an long term life of pampered privilege where opportunities are handed over rather than earned. These people have lost sight of themselves or have never actually seen themselves for who they are. Distancing themselves from those they make effort to manipulate into their grandiose delusions. Constantly putting energy into authenticating themselves as 'one of the people' rather than actually living as one of the people. But yet I, like my father am a man of patience. And if my friendship and solidarity is abused as weakness, then the teeth will come out and the gloves will come off. It’s not that hard to be applauded for speaking on the intentions of moving forward while maintaining the status quo mentality that has given these individuals their false sense of success in an unsuccessful world they have accustomed themselves to. Maybe I do belong back in the jungle amongst the people they treat as livestock they never tend to. You can’t control the free spirit of the pillager. It’ll put up with you, but it will eventually tire of the insulting mannerism and scalp you for what your worth. Eventually an authentic leader will be cut out of this constant war and conflict. They will rise to the occasion and subject those traitors of our dignity to their knees with the weight of the people’s breath blowing them to the ground. This isn’t the time for good will and brotherhood because these things have no meaning as of now. Our priorities have been corrupted for far too long to all of a sudden realize the value of words like ‘tribe’ and ‘decolonization’. Yes there are those striving to obtain the true nature of these words, but we have those that exploit these words to glamorize themselves as the make believe warriors they never were. And how do you confront that without turning them away in shame, anger and resentment? You can’t because you, the teller of truth are not the owner of those feelings. You are not the one who has to as of yet come to terms with those character flaws. Those with excuses and justifications are not the people prepared to confront the oppressors of our rights. They are too busy oppressing themselves with excusing and justifying their own inappropriate behavior. And I’m not judging them, they have settled the verdict upon themselves before we could even consider their character. And yeah, they might be a okay guy once in a while, but their never a good guy all the time. But what I’m getting at is, is we can’t move forward until we go back and fix the things preventing us from getting there. And the dynamics of these ‘things’ are tremendous. But the initial problem it narrows down to is our own personal inability to find the courage to confront these out of control problems we refuse to analyze, emphasize, prioritize and articulate solutions towards. Sometimes it’s simple, sometimes it’s complex. And nothing comes easy. Not even the illusion of success. Decolonization is a hard concept to identify, and we cannot identify that aspect for anyone else but ourselves. Because colonization isn’t initially a matter of how we act, but how we think, how we live. How we act and carry ourselves is the benefit of those efforts we put forth to decolonizing ourselves. Nobody can tell you how much indian you are, we’re the ones that determine that. But what are the limits and standards on being indian? Whose the authority? Your name sake? The intellectual elites? Nobody should determine your indianess. We must come to terms with who we are and who we’re not on our own accord. There is no set standard to achieving this fulfillment of self. This feeling of balance is evident once we obtain it, just remember nobody can obtain it for you. They can only inspire you. And so far our so-called leaders are as of yet to even do that. But I’ll continue to be patient. At least for now. Because there is a time for patience and a time for disappointment and indignation.