Friday, August 26, 2011

Revolution born of fire.

There has to come a time in everyone's life when they realize they have been either lied to or come to terms their living a self induced lie. Some might resent this moment of clarity and reject it only to spiral further into fear and ignorance, jealousy or envy. Once your morally bankrupt, whats the use of trying to recuperate from a default on your integrity and dignity? The truth is restricted, diluted, tailor made, compromised, and altered. The truth today is a recipe for destruction. Destruction of the broken order subconsciously pandering to your fears, your desires, your greed, your unwarranted ego. In this world where the media controls the truth though the process of exploiting vulnerable minds that have all flocked to the television screen to help them cope with their insecurities, its frustrating to witness those you care for fall casualty to ignorance. Most times its hard to work within the experiences of the people when they have restricted, and have found reasons or inane justifications to shelter themselves from whats out their waiting for them, wanting to devour their inept, naive, scared little souls. Knowledge is power, and its sad to say some don't want us to empower ourselves so that those they prey on then reject and refuse to rely in these peoples misinformation that has conjured up our dependency in their charlatanism. So that is why I am very grateful for those that have inspired me to embrace truth and use it to cast out the darkness consuming my people. I to now carry this torch, and I will light the fire my people need to warm themselves by in this cold world of lies and propaganda laying waste to them. Embers in the ashes, that is what we are today. It's time to refuel this fire with hope and fan these embers to get this fire blazing once again. It's time to douse yourselves in truths and set yourselves ablaze, run into the crowd of those adorned in their combustible garments of lies. This fire will consume any and all who are fortunate enough to be caught in its path, because it is we who are the eighth fire.

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