Friday, December 21, 2012

Decolonize your lies.

It’s not about losing faith, its about coming to terms with those that are beyond your grasp of reason. That are too arrogant for logical compassion. Too self-absorbed to be genuinely concerned about those that look to them for solution. When we need to be looking beyond them for solutions. Where the advice of others has no value amongst their self-aggrandizing short comings they have convinced themselves is their strength. Leech lake has been idling no more towards their fiscal cliff for decades. Being punked around by those with money within the MCT while languishing in their scraps. Cobell, nelson, and every other so-called leader that has put themselves up for sale are being validated by those frivolous few that have condemned themselves the chiefs of this vanishing market of misery and suffering. It’s not hard to differentiate who cares from those pretend to care. Where they can throw a little of their easy money at the problems of those they stand on the backs of to give themselves this false sense of superiority. Superiority complex must be the consequence of an long term life of pampered privilege where opportunities are handed over rather than earned. These people have lost sight of themselves or have never actually seen themselves for who they are. Distancing themselves from those they make effort to manipulate into their grandiose delusions. Constantly putting energy into authenticating themselves as 'one of the people' rather than actually living as one of the people. But yet I, like my father am a man of patience. And if my friendship and solidarity is abused as weakness, then the teeth will come out and the gloves will come off. It’s not that hard to be applauded for speaking on the intentions of moving forward while maintaining the status quo mentality that has given these individuals their false sense of success in an unsuccessful world they have accustomed themselves to. Maybe I do belong back in the jungle amongst the people they treat as livestock they never tend to. You can’t control the free spirit of the pillager. It’ll put up with you, but it will eventually tire of the insulting mannerism and scalp you for what your worth. Eventually an authentic leader will be cut out of this constant war and conflict. They will rise to the occasion and subject those traitors of our dignity to their knees with the weight of the people’s breath blowing them to the ground. This isn’t the time for good will and brotherhood because these things have no meaning as of now. Our priorities have been corrupted for far too long to all of a sudden realize the value of words like ‘tribe’ and ‘decolonization’. Yes there are those striving to obtain the true nature of these words, but we have those that exploit these words to glamorize themselves as the make believe warriors they never were. And how do you confront that without turning them away in shame, anger and resentment? You can’t because you, the teller of truth are not the owner of those feelings. You are not the one who has to as of yet come to terms with those character flaws. Those with excuses and justifications are not the people prepared to confront the oppressors of our rights. They are too busy oppressing themselves with excusing and justifying their own inappropriate behavior. And I’m not judging them, they have settled the verdict upon themselves before we could even consider their character. And yeah, they might be a okay guy once in a while, but their never a good guy all the time. But what I’m getting at is, is we can’t move forward until we go back and fix the things preventing us from getting there. And the dynamics of these ‘things’ are tremendous. But the initial problem it narrows down to is our own personal inability to find the courage to confront these out of control problems we refuse to analyze, emphasize, prioritize and articulate solutions towards. Sometimes it’s simple, sometimes it’s complex. And nothing comes easy. Not even the illusion of success. Decolonization is a hard concept to identify, and we cannot identify that aspect for anyone else but ourselves. Because colonization isn’t initially a matter of how we act, but how we think, how we live. How we act and carry ourselves is the benefit of those efforts we put forth to decolonizing ourselves. Nobody can tell you how much indian you are, we’re the ones that determine that. But what are the limits and standards on being indian? Whose the authority? Your name sake? The intellectual elites? Nobody should determine your indianess. We must come to terms with who we are and who we’re not on our own accord. There is no set standard to achieving this fulfillment of self. This feeling of balance is evident once we obtain it, just remember nobody can obtain it for you. They can only inspire you. And so far our so-called leaders are as of yet to even do that. But I’ll continue to be patient. At least for now. Because there is a time for patience and a time for disappointment and indignation.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

You are the answers.

Much has happened, but nothing accomplished. Not yet at least, but we have taken the first step in the right direction. We are well on our way. Acquaintances come in and out of my life, but only the strong survive. And as I mentally scroll the catalog of my allies, genuine friends, foes, and potentials. I don't see much prospect outside a few dedicated individuals I consider reliable sources of transition. Agents of possibilities, thee awakened few, the solid foundation of that change yet to come. We will proceed with Caution, and victory is on our side. This is obvious. Because success speaks for itself. And now that I have applied myself to the situation, there's no turning back now. There isn't much standing in our way except ourselves. We, the fighting few are on different levels of consciousness, but at least we are conscience. We refuse to let the old ways of ruining things infect our potential, we won't let status quo jobbery, and bureaucracy bog us down. We won't let narcissistic, pompous, pretentious, self aggrandizing characters delude us from our goals. And we will not be distracted by pathetic attempts being re-applied to prevent the change most are either affriad of, resent, or lost sight of. Wrestling our interests out of the hands of those abusing, misusing, and refusing to do anything productive, or progressive with them is our duty. Not to ourselves, but for one another. Most importantly, for our children. We need to set examples, lead with innovation, courage, and compassion. Inspiring each other to think, not how to think. And our dignity does not have to be sacrificed in the process. That is a fallacy upheld by those that envy us for our potential. We are the way, it is time to believe in ourselves. Building the self respect, the confidence to accomplish what has to be done is not an impossible task. In fact, it is in our favor to succeed. We are those we have been waiting for. We are the new models of leadership that will light the way to our prosperity, our destiny. I'm not trying to hype you up beyond your capabilities. I'm trying to hold you accountable to your responsibility, because you are capable of much more then you have been lead to believe. You are much more important then you have been told, and it is time to awaken this energy that has been laying dormant. And I'm talking to everyone except those that have fooled themselves that they are the ones in charge. It is time those that think their in charge start answering to us, but first we need to assert the questions they are unable to answer. We are the answers, we are in charge, we are the people, we are the power. They've intentionally robbed you of your responcibility only to prove their incompitence. They would be foolish to not anticipate our realization of this fact. But then again they have fooled themselves into believing much worse. It is time for them to have a awakening of their own, hopefully it will not have to be a rude one. But most have been born into this illusion, or invested themselves into it. So it might be somewhat of a task to encourage them to abandon this treacherious lie, despite how seductive it may be to those mesmerized by aspirations of prestige and power, even at your expense. So when will enough be enough? Only you know. But lucky for you there is a committed few that will assist you to your feet and help you articulate your discrepancies. We've been waiting for you, and your just in time.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Anyone else tired of these misinformed, undereducated, poorly educated, ignorant, overrated, overly opinionated people running around, imposing their obnoxious stupidity on you like your suppose to be impressed? Me too. Tired of all these phony, insincere, disingenuous, condescending, want to be politicians trying feel you out so they can pander to you? Just to gain access to your utmost desires so they can take advantage of you? If the answer is no, then that's disappointing. Because by the looks of your facebook walls, most of you seem Pretty vulnerable to bullshit. I'm not the type to be investing all these expectations in people anyways. Sure I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not going to set them up to let me down any worse then you let yourselves down, and gave up on trying to maintain any sort of genuine dignity, or integrity. I'm not for sale, nor am I as loyal as my options. I won't let you limit me, or my people who you've seemed to have targeted, or devalued with your greedy aspirations. I'm not a parasite looking for handout. Nor am I your scapegoat, or your excuse to justify your own character defects. I'd feel like a empty, piece of shit if that was the case. I probably feel just like you. Externally trying to reflect your bullshit on me, or anyone's else unfortunate enough to cross your path. Trying to hold everyone else accountable for your treachery, corruption, and lack of character. Yeah, I'm not really concerned if this offends you. I'm not really trying to be friends, asscociates, or a acquaintances with comprimised people, with fucked up, or no priorities at all. Yeah, I'll try to influence you to be a better person, but my patience is reserved for my family. Not selfish assholes wasting my time, stuck on stupid, being counterproductive, running in place. I'm bold, courageous, progressive, proactive, I strive on innovation. Yet I'm compassionate, considerate, empathetic. I'm not trying to pride a stubborn, conservative ignorance against you, your interests, or your needs. I'm here to try to serve as a voice of morality for those that obviously haven't any. I'm here to hold you accountable, to threaten your desires you try to entitle yourselves to at anyone else's expense. I'm here to foil your plans, your plots. I'm her to expose your treachery you try to sabotage, and infiltrate the movements to bring enduring justice to our people. I'm not going to play stupid for you, and let you get away with a bunch of bullshit. Not on my watch. I'm her to destroy the establishment you take comfort in. I'm her to rebuild it with concrete ideals, with a foundation of solid people. People you can not identify with, because they do not share in the lack of virtues like yourself. People that make you feel threatened for all the right reasons. Don't get me wrong, I'm threatened by you as well, but for all the wrong reasons. Because you possess the ability to fuck things up worse, or help reenforce the stability of the status quo establishment. Your delusions of grandeur has pulled you more out of touch then your probably willing to admit. So instead of trying to get along with all the other pathetic folks using each other for instant, self gratification. How about you? step away from the herd, and reclaim your independence from the status quo ignorance. And that definition "status quo" has lost a lot of meaning in the exchange of rhetoric. So let's reclaim this word as our weapon against those misusing it, misconstruing it, taking it out of context, and perverting it to serve their own selfish means. The hypocrisy of it's use is disgusting. But anyways. Just had to let people know I haven't forgot about you. I'm still trying to help free those oppressed. Internally, or externally. Still trying to bring justice, even to those participating, or veiling themselves in this injustice system. get your shit together people, it's the forth quarter, and we're not looking so good. Time to pick up the slack, and get our heads in the game. Our hearts too, we ain't going to win this without any heart. LET ME SEE YOUR WARFACE!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pandering Pillagers.

We have a few inauthentic, out of touch candidates pandering to "the people" on issues they have little to no experience in, or very little concern about. Generally a candidates for office is drawn from a socially and economically elite who presently have no real life experience with the typical struggles of the people they seek to represent, and often seldomly have. But today we have an entire new crop of undeserving, inept, disengenuous candidates coming after your vote. It is not unusual for the candidates to do or say something to show just how out of touch they really are. They have a lot of flowery rhetoric intended to seduce you into supporting their extravagant promises, and outrageous falsehoods. We even have superfial candidates that encourage your imaginations to run wild with their unmet exspectations. So when they fail to meet their unmet exspectations, all you got is yourself to blame. We do not currently have a showing of couragious candidates, boldly challenging their opponents to a duel of wit. Rather we have a bunch of ridged, bitter, cynical, naive, foolish, arrogant, or just straight up ignorant folks trying to represent us. But I feel particularly uncomfortable about the conservative minded candidates we have vailed in the mist of tribal politics, trying to push forth their small minded, self serving agendas. These inconsiderate candidates are only trying to test the waters with their little selfish, political experiment. These inexperienced, would be politicians try to throw the public off their conservative scent by proclaiming their distaste for status quo jobbery(kind of like the tea party). Yet their blatant hypocrisy and their inability to see past their inherent, self centered ideaology speaks for itself. These people don't think tribal, yet they want to cast the burden of decision making upon the misinformed masses so its prevents them from holding the blame entirely. They want to promote the privatization of services and businesses against the collective effort of a struggling tribe. Even in times of uncertainty, when the tribe should be pulling together to prevent economic calamity. Yes, we all want to see successful Leech Lakers out in the world. But first we must build a means to encourage more of these stories of success. Now is not the time to be promoting entrepreneurship, and personal success. The success of our leaders should belong to their people. We are a tribe, it's about time we start acting as one and reject these ideas of personal accomplishment that contributes to many of our people falling out of touch, and becoming insensitive, apathetic towards their fellow countrymens needs. If there was ever a need to call for disenrollment of ones tribal status, it should be when that word "tribe" loses all meaning, or there is no personal desire to become familar with that word. When they take advantage of their tribal status, or help themselves to the vulnerabilities of their fellow countrymen. When they start promoting themselves above the efforts of our people trying to pull together. We see that a lot. People preverting, misconstruing, and diluting it's meaning. That is not only a disservice to those that share tribal affiliation with these inconsiderate indiviuals, but to themselves most of all. They rob themselves of a genuine relationship with their people, of a greater understanding of the problems we face together. It will take years for some of these individuals to come to terms with their flawed ideals. Mostly because their pretentious, or too stubborn, and stuck in their ways. These people will not lead us out of these times of hardship and uncertainty. They will selfishly drag us all down the wrong treacherious road they are unable to navigate. In four years we will be worse off then we currently find ourselves if we do not come together and make the right decisions for us all, and most importantly, our children.