Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Anyone else tired of these misinformed, undereducated, poorly educated, ignorant, overrated, overly opinionated people running around, imposing their obnoxious stupidity on you like your suppose to be impressed? Me too. Tired of all these phony, insincere, disingenuous, condescending, want to be politicians trying feel you out so they can pander to you? Just to gain access to your utmost desires so they can take advantage of you? If the answer is no, then that's disappointing. Because by the looks of your facebook walls, most of you seem Pretty vulnerable to bullshit. I'm not the type to be investing all these expectations in people anyways. Sure I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not going to set them up to let me down any worse then you let yourselves down, and gave up on trying to maintain any sort of genuine dignity, or integrity. I'm not for sale, nor am I as loyal as my options. I won't let you limit me, or my people who you've seemed to have targeted, or devalued with your greedy aspirations. I'm not a parasite looking for handout. Nor am I your scapegoat, or your excuse to justify your own character defects. I'd feel like a empty, piece of shit if that was the case. I probably feel just like you. Externally trying to reflect your bullshit on me, or anyone's else unfortunate enough to cross your path. Trying to hold everyone else accountable for your treachery, corruption, and lack of character. Yeah, I'm not really concerned if this offends you. I'm not really trying to be friends, asscociates, or a acquaintances with comprimised people, with fucked up, or no priorities at all. Yeah, I'll try to influence you to be a better person, but my patience is reserved for my family. Not selfish assholes wasting my time, stuck on stupid, being counterproductive, running in place. I'm bold, courageous, progressive, proactive, I strive on innovation. Yet I'm compassionate, considerate, empathetic. I'm not trying to pride a stubborn, conservative ignorance against you, your interests, or your needs. I'm here to try to serve as a voice of morality for those that obviously haven't any. I'm here to hold you accountable, to threaten your desires you try to entitle yourselves to at anyone else's expense. I'm here to foil your plans, your plots. I'm her to expose your treachery you try to sabotage, and infiltrate the movements to bring enduring justice to our people. I'm not going to play stupid for you, and let you get away with a bunch of bullshit. Not on my watch. I'm her to destroy the establishment you take comfort in. I'm her to rebuild it with concrete ideals, with a foundation of solid people. People you can not identify with, because they do not share in the lack of virtues like yourself. People that make you feel threatened for all the right reasons. Don't get me wrong, I'm threatened by you as well, but for all the wrong reasons. Because you possess the ability to fuck things up worse, or help reenforce the stability of the status quo establishment. Your delusions of grandeur has pulled you more out of touch then your probably willing to admit. So instead of trying to get along with all the other pathetic folks using each other for instant, self gratification. How about you? step away from the herd, and reclaim your independence from the status quo ignorance. And that definition "status quo" has lost a lot of meaning in the exchange of rhetoric. So let's reclaim this word as our weapon against those misusing it, misconstruing it, taking it out of context, and perverting it to serve their own selfish means. The hypocrisy of it's use is disgusting. But anyways. Just had to let people know I haven't forgot about you. I'm still trying to help free those oppressed. Internally, or externally. Still trying to bring justice, even to those participating, or veiling themselves in this injustice system. get your shit together people, it's the forth quarter, and we're not looking so good. Time to pick up the slack, and get our heads in the game. Our hearts too, we ain't going to win this without any heart. LET ME SEE YOUR WARFACE!

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