Sunday, January 30, 2011

To Ojibwe or to not to Ojibwe.

Nobody is an authority on being Ojibwe, and if there is someone that claims this, they are in need of mental help because they are delusional. There isn't much difference between narrow minded republicans that refuse to adhere to facts of science or the law of nature because they tailor make truths to validate what the bible says they can and can't do compared to the stubborn obsolete authoritarian views some of our so-called spiritual leaders who pontificate to those that are vulnerable to the racial reasoning they ignorantly find comfort in. Theology is dangerous to any form of government, including tribal governments. Our leaders must transcend the racial reasoning our ancestors were taken advantage of under to critique the system that is victimizing all that have failed to prosper under oppression. I say this because so many Ojibwe culture elitist usually undermined anybody else's opinion that has the courage to look for solutions outside of the strict influence of the cultural/racial reasoning they have invested themselves to. I can see how they would be threatened by anyone attacking Problems of Ojibwe people from a wider plectrum of influence, but it's nothing more Then disappointing when these highly educated scholars of our culture ignorantly refuse to acknowledge anyone else's opinion in finding solutions. Yes we have some valuable elders to learn from but these elders most times don't give their effort to realistically solving our problems we face as Ojibwe people. Some times we just can't let go and have faith the manidous will take care of everything, if that was the case then everything would work out the way we wanted them to. If anything, these manidous our ancestors relied on abandoned us along time ago, why? Because today we are very disappointing as Ojibwe people, there is little to no reason for these manidous to rejoice and assist in our happiness as a tribe, because for the most part, we are no longer a tribal people. Some will say 'we are pitiful' and then allow this pity to become their excuse for their shiftlessness and lack of concern of real issues. I personally do not subscribe to any religion not even the religion of my people, yet I do carry some of those beliefs and teachings as well as other teachings of various other religions. Does this make me more or less Ojibwe, I don't feel any less Ojibwe then anyone that dedicates themselves to the lodge or the language. I guess what I'm getting at is there are people that use our heritage as an excuse, I live by the teachings my ancestors laid down for us to live by and some of these people that try to live anishinaabe just don't think anishinaabe.

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