Saturday, January 15, 2011

Too many 'Indians,' not enough chiefs

Leaders today of Indian Country rarely respond to the needs of the people. Most times, they catapult themselves to the forefront of situations to gain audience with those that they seek to allow utilization of themselves to undermined and exploit our situations for their own personal gain. Most of these so-called, 'leaders' are more concerned of conforming with the broken, insensitive, inadequate government system rather then confronting it to improve or repair quality of life for our people. Most of those that have aspirations of leadership tend to nurture their leadership skills under the strict influence of colonization, and assimilation to the capitalist market culture devouring humanity here and abroad. Leaders of our people today, lack the bold and defiant energy that is accredited to preserving our communities and way of life. Today we haven't anyone that deserves to be considered a leader in regards of the survival and prosperity we are pursuing as indigenous people. We have too many false leaders that are appointed positions of power under the guise of compassion for the less fortunate that in reality uses the less fortunate as their means to rise to opportunity. These so-called, 'leaders' are just examples of how this broken system works for those who are willing to sacrifice and compromise dignity, integrity and compassion in the name of personal advancement. So I have concluded the term, "Indian Leader" as overrated, it has been distorted and debased under the control of these traitors that constantly betray the needs of our people. Today our leaders are but mere tokens to the systematic, disenfranchising establishments that are intended to victimize our people. Those that are brave enough to confront this treachery amongst our leaders are undermined, condemned, demonized, and belittled because we directly threaten to expose these so-called, 'leaders' and their cohorts that are enjoying themselves at the expense of our misery. White men of position that utilizes these Indian leaders to the means of their financial stability or advancement in their political careers that find ways to make our predicaments economically viable are fully aware of the vulnerability they encourage and delude our so-called leaders with. Many organizations are established to undermined the reality of our situation and deprive us of solutions that will remedy our predicaments that they have utilized to justify funding or sponsorship of their intended programs. These people require us to be discriminated and impoverished, dysfunctional and directionless so they can bring home a pay check and own a false sense of accomplishment that they don't deserve. Not only do they ineffectively confront situations, but they obviously mishandle and misappropriate attention of these matters purposely in the name of funding. These inept people believe they are obligated to confront our predicaments without having genuine insight or understanding to our situations. The disappearance of genuine public dialogue is a testimony to the painfully distressing lack of engagement on our lack of genuine leadership. Not only is it intellectually debilitating, but it is morally dis-empowering to witness pretentious individuals and Organizations reduce my people's attempts to rise out of despair disappear at the hands of their intentions, which in my opinion are not entirely good. Realization of this treachery boils rage within me, but I channel that rage towards my desire to liberate my people from the emasculating bondage these individuals enjoy themselves to. For my rage is primarily fueled by the love for my people, and this love is neither an abstract nor ephemeral. Rather, it is solid to the connection to the degraded and discriminated people. A people that need immediate conversion from the path these leaders are misleading us down.

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