Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Well fine.... But what if the revolution is going on right outside YOUR door?! Because it is you that finds comfort in oppression. It is you who takes advantage of your people's(maybe even your own families) disadvantage! When are you people going to wake up! But not even for your selfish selves? But for your children? Can't you see them pulling the strings on your leaders? Can'tyou see your children drowning in their greedy interest? DO YOU EVEN CARE?! Wake the fuck up! That goes for all of you 'playing along with their agenda to exploit us' Because 'we the people' do not appreciate you enjoying yourselves to our misery, we do not appreciate YOU squandering MY children's chances of a productive life. Quit sedating yourselves with lies, propaganda, and religious controversy. Wake the fuck up to the revolution!

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