Friday, February 25, 2011

Uprise Minnesota?

We who are frustrated with deceit should all distrust the authoritarian rule of this IRA government polluting our tribal interests. With these corrupt casinos we have limited economic prospects, we're too politically emasculated to press for the change we need for our children. Why are our people allowing themselves to be intimidated into stagnant oppression? We need a positive outlet to demonstrate our dissent with this current diluted value system that has become a formative element in dispossessing our people. Do you want to remain as the silent, moderate majority that is contributing to our constant social, economic, and political decline? We need a de facto opposition to reign in new models for the type of leaders our people deserve, not these 'sit around the fort' indians that take comfort in this broken system that they entrust their self centered aspiration towards. We need to reveal to those that think they are weak and its meaningless to stand-up how much power they actually have. We have the power to demonstrate the type of activism that WILL change the entire system, it is our generation that will put a end to this oppression and abuse that is handed down to us by way of our corrupt tribal leaders. Our tenacity will yield change if we call upon that energy that is within our blood that is attributed to our ancestors resiliency. As our tribal governments refuse to intervene in the mistreatment of our people, they greedily cling to their power ignoring the justice our people yearn for. It is time for all of our people who suffer from oppression in one way or another to reconcile and become more efficient and productive in confronting this treachery that only promises to victimize our children. We must brush aside the failed policies of our elders. They refuse to help us find the answers we need because they are stuck in their ways, we need a new vision, new energy to achieve what our children need, not what our stubborn, corrupted elders refuse to give us. We need this movement to be for our youth and the next generations and them alone, we need to recalibrate polices that have our children interests in mind. The state of Minnesota, under the direct advisement of the united states enables our tribal oppressors. The state is aware of the injustices it encourages upon our people, yet they continue to show support for these corrupt, greedy, tribal leaders. When are our leaders going to be concerned of the needs and aspirations of our young people that are calling for change? We need to crumble this old order so new relationships will be formed that will strengthen our hope and opportunities for our people. We don't need the U.S. on our side to get what we need, the protests in the middle east and north Africa is proof of that. I believe it is our duty, in solidarity to honor those that were killed in the uprisings in the middle east and north Africa that are seeking the same sense of freedom we are refused as well.

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