Friday, May 20, 2011

Hypocritsy and duplicity.

As everyone else gives into their self centered egos, their obsolete theological ideals, low self esteems, and inherent confirmation bias. I feel desensitized to disingenuousness, and the genuine lack of enthusiasm demonstrated and spoken of amongst ‘My People,’ of our ever urgent situations effecting our lives. Soon there will be destructive and self destructive consequences to when our people realize the ever degrading quality of life our humanity will further erode to. Yet today they do not care, their too distracted by or too comfortable with their shallow lives to give a shit about ever getting to the bottom of anything. When will we have revolution? A psychic conversion to steer us away from the cliff we are hurling towards? When it’s too late? Never? Tomorrow? I have been demonized and slandered by those jealous of my clarity, resiliency, righteousness, strength, and furious rage that boils in the blood of my ancestor that pumps strongly through my heart. But this is not about me, and it sure the hell isn’t about YOU! People have alienated me out of intimidation or envy of my stalwart dedication to my people, and my ability to not feed into the superficial ignorance or naiveness that most constantly find themselves vulnerable to in compromising and selling out to and constantly going bankrupt, morally, intellectually, and spiritually. Yet if these selfish people ever needed help, I’d be there to give them my hand. Most ideals and perspectives these individuals hold are rarely ever evolving, improving or gaining consensus because these people are to self absorbed and shallow to give a shit about what anyone else has to say, even if it is said or done selflessly for the sole benefit of others like themselves. But if matters affects their precious money or belongings, then they’ll make an effort to show their self serving disappointment. People don’t give a shit about consciousness or morals; especially if it does not interfere with their comfort zone they established for themselves and assimilated themselves into amongst the corruption and ignorance devouring our communities, culture and teachings. What good are teaching when everyone holding those teaching over their heads at us are some of the biggest hypocrites you could ever meet. Demonstrate cognitive dissonance, become a heretic and speak blasphemy at these poor scared fools that gather around and tell each other lies and fairy tales, because they are scared of the dark. what else can a person who has been systematically, and institutionally indoctrinated to hate themselves see beyond the bullshit they are being forced to live in? So go ahead and de-friend Curtis Buckanaga, speak of me in private company of other like cowards that fear my strength that YOUR gods and spirits have given me (I'm being sarcastic). I am but a mere man with bold, courageous, intelligent, prophetic ideals, ideals that will scare the broken, jealous, envious, treacherous spirits like the ones that those that resent me harbor out of the struggles our people endure. These poor souls are currently tainting and overwhelming our struggles, trying to suffocate the chance of a constructive confrontation to the corruption and ignorance they secretly appreciate, because it allows them to create the facade they put on their facebook page so people can friend them and they can feel important to a bunch of other superficial people out there. Thanks for bringing the shallow folks together facebook, thanks for showing me who all these people are as well. And sometimes when I log in, I feel myself getting pissed. Rage boiling in me at the ignorance captivating the minds of 'my people.' This rage is not destructive no matter how any feeble minded coward wants to demonize it as hatred. This rage is contained and channeled into sharp, constructive confrontation of any obstacle those opponents (intentional and inadvertent) try to place in the way of people such as myself. I have an audacious sincerity to my people, and it is because of my chronic refusal to give into the sheer absurdity that confronts an Anishinaabe person in this country. The incessant assaults on my intelligence, my beauty, my character, my possibility has created a profound commitment in me the help my people affirm their humanity at any cost, even against the odds, even in the face of our oppressors, internal and external. My actions will not perpetuate nor accent the hypocrisy I speak against. The love I have for my people is neither abstract nor ephemeral, it is concrete to the connection with the degraded and devalued people that are in dire need of psychic conversion, I know because I was once one of these people. I hope one day my people will love themselves as much as I love them. This love will convert and motivate our misdirected rage to produce a psychic conversion. One day this conversion will allow us to affirm ourselves as the Anishinaabeg once again, no longer viewing our bodies, minds, spirits through white lenses, and we will believe we are capable of taking control of our destinies together, once again as a tribe..

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