Thursday, July 7, 2011

To those trying to turn our struggles into their stage.

Empowering the masses to allow them to access information they are normally excluded from will allow the oppressed to become being for themselves rather than enslaved to the dictates of others. We must all envisage a society in which people are liberated and are able to mold their world. This requires some ability to criticize and make decisions. Decision making will require access to information with the use of critical thinking. Many people make decisions without criticism. Many are trapped within the dogma which belonging to or originated from an would be elite group. These would be elitist then in turn purloin our struggles under the hypocritical false bravado of a nationalist sentiment to close ranks around their egotistical mannerism, all the while promoting a predominantly oppressive influence of the academic that tries to put a premium on intelligence to protect their own self serving interests. They do this to demoralize and stifle aspiring activists they assume are threatening their status. One who is effected daily by the rigors of racial inequality does not require a degree to understand the common knowledge of oppression we are all subjected to. That would be as if a citizen of central American pursued a degree in Spanish, we as oppressed people are all fluent in the language of discrimination no matter what problematic paradigm egotistical saboteurs try to place in front of us. These threatened egotistical hypocrites simultaneously attempt to legitimize their accomplishments in academia in order to enhance their self image as a objective inquiry of relentless criticism all the while trying to disarm or empty out the more political and worldly substance of radical critique. We should all want the oppressed to make decisions which will change the world, not just maintain the current status quo. We are all objects created by history, once we realize this, we can begin to be apart of it and change it. Also once an individual realizes that they are products of their education and society, they will be able to participate objectively and effectively within it. The process of change towards liberation is a conflict and doesn't accept any partial solutions. The media is than used as a tool of alienation utilized to divide us all. It is responsible for filling empty and receptive minds with propaganda of the dominant culture. Teachers and students will become jointly responsible for the education process in which all will grow. This process is not teacher centric with imposed knowledge used to domesticate others into the status quo. The content should originate from the learner, no participial method is the best, rather we should all be concerned with the ways in which knowledge is presented and processed, and be wary of misinformation as well. Students of liberation should be given the necessary tools to act decisively. We must educate each other through the meditation of the world. A community based interaction should produce a two way flow of education between the student and the teacher, the school and the community. to recreate/reform our society to meet our needs as oppressed people we must also realize we are in fact subjects of this process ourselves. In other words, the people involved must know about themselves and the processes that shaped them as well. Community education should provide local input to any organization created to represent the plight of the subjected populous. This will provide a knowledge based in which individuals in the organization learn about the community they are apart of, and how they are influenced by it. At the same time members of the community will learn about the impact of education on their own development. A community aspect of the institution should help unite, rather then alienate it from society. Unification is an aspect of liberation against oppressive minority rule, community focused education within a democratic society(not just government) is a more viable solution. Social engineering and the conception of human society should not be determined by a minority of educated theorists. However education is required so that every individual is equipped to make logical decisions without accepting other's dogma. We all have emotional needs: the need to love, to beloved, to be accepted, to feel a sense of accomplishment, to feel a sense of self-worth, to feel important, to feel needed, to protect ourselves, to attain status in our own eyes and in the eyes of others, to be secure. These needs in turn conceal other fragile and sensitive emotions. These emotions are easily tampered with and manipulated. One who knows how to appeal to these vulnerable emotions can deceive us, manipulate us, and get us to accept things as true that which is untrue. What is important is that you recognize that the emotional appeal may reflect some unstated feeling or belief, that there may be a bottom line that is not being articulated or a hidden agendum that is not being acknowledged. Perhaps the person is trying to cajole you into buying into their interests. So always try to find the bottom line or to ascertain that hidden agendum before your invest yourself to the audience of this pitiful person that refuses to acknowledge their humility. Feelings are important, but one should not act on feelings alone. One should have reasons for acting. It is in the obfuscation of reasons that emotion appeals are dangerous. 'Liberation leaning can not be standardized. to be dynamic it must be experimental and creative' Paulo Freire.

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