Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This isn't about you, this is about all of us.

I been very impatient lately, grinding my ax, waiting for some of these phoney bastards to slip up and fall out of their costumes. All these disengenuous people acting as if I'm stupid enough to fall for their half assed bullshit don't even understand their own ignorance let alone the dynamics of our problems, yet they insist on imposing themselves just to sabotage us even further from solutions. Shit pisses me off. Why in the hell would I want to identify with someone who isn't ready to be realistic about anything? Let alone themselves? I been accused of "having all the answers" so the fuck what. If I was empowered to change the world, I wouldn't be consulting flimsy, self centered assholes that are currently fucking things up or not doing anything at all. I don't know who made these morons a authority on anything they obligate themselves to. The system is built for these fuck ups, thats why they waste their lives indoctrinating themselves into it. Cowards. Ain't even got the fucking courage to stand up for themselves or perhaps their children. They might as well be hand delivering their kids to these assholes so they can raise your kids to be the fools they enjoy you being for them. I'm not going to sit here and candy coat turds for you chicken shits that like being lied to to feel better about yourselves, this isn't about you, never was. So don't get all bent out of shape thinking I'm picking on you. It's not you, it's your stupid ass ideals you shelter yourselves in, it's your dumb fucking actions or lack there of, or those stupid fucking words you let fall out of your mouth. Why don't you put your energy into something constructive rather then promoting your self serving bullshit. And you know what, don't flatter yourself thinking I'm telling you these things because I have somehow found a reason to hate you. I don't hate you, I pity you. I feel sorry for your punk ass. Get the fuck up off your ass and quit trying to find convenient excuses to be the self preserving coward you some how have convinced yourself your not. Quit acting as if your the king or queen of assholes, because your not, your just a peasant like the rest of us. Quit trying to help others for recognition, help them because you genuinely care for fucks sakes. Sorry I don't have the patience to give you the fancy words to make you feel enlightened n shit. I'm at my wits end, and I plan on staying here until the rest of you assholes get real with yourselves and wake the fuck up.

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