Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Do yourself a favor...

Some people can not comprehend the urgency of our situation, they have some how become too complacent with this broken system that was never intended for our survival. Some people have willingly surrendered their inherent indignation, only to find they are disingenuous, and superficial to anything we should be standing for as a tribal people. Sometimes this is beyond conversation, it's requires confrontation. I for one get tired of seeing my people so pathetically colonized, and assimilated to the point were they only misdirect, and harbor hypocritical judgement outwardly against their fellowman instead of saving some of that judgment to constructively resolve their own inward shortcomings preventing us all from moving forward. Some of us are more critical of ourselves then we are of others. Yet some of our very own people have the audacity to intentionally misconstrue, misrepresent one another's valid frustrations to try to demonize one another,and sabotage us all further from solutions. This in itself is a act of treachery against us all, our children, our nation. Instead of tryings to lash out, or putting up our unwarranted defensives against one another, we should be evaluating ourselves first and foremost to identify were we as individuals are failing each other and betraying our children. In my opinion this is what I see more then anything else. Excuse me, but its getting sickening. And I have of yet to encounter an excuse to justify any of this treachery. The divide and conquer mentality is well conditioned within some of our people, do them a favor if you happen to overcome it and confront them on it and hold them accountable for it before their children inherit it and continually infect our communities with it. It's very frustrating when other perpetuate Their shortcomings on others as if that's suppose to distract us from the source of misunderstanding of the situation. Or they try to over exaggerate claims against others because their threatened, and are not ready to come to terms with these shortcomings. Only if they had the ability to be honest with themselves and confront these shortcomngs that might cause our ancestors to rejoice in them once again instead of abandoning them to their own demise. This country is erupting in revolution, why are some of us still sitting around acting naive to it? Sometimes revolution starts from within, so do yourself a favor and revolt against your ignorance, and bias. Those of us paying witness to you squandering your abilities would appreciate this more then trying to defend ourselves from these shortcomings you admire more then the reality and truth put before us all. I really do hope some of you find some clarity and come to the self revelation you could serve our people more effectively by finding the courage to confront your own bullshit before you force someone like me to do it. But here I am, at your service. Some people don't deserve consideration of those of us unable to help them deal with their inner demons devouring their spirit. They require ceremony, or maybe a psychiatrist, heavy medication, or perhaps institutionalization to help them from further damaging their own reputations or themselves and most of all our struggles. I don't know, I'm no authority on mental illness. I think banishing these people to the wilderness might have been the only remedy available to our ancestors if these people were beyond the help of ceremony or medicine, and I could understand this conclusion. But I'm suspious that some might be using a fabricated mental disorder to guise genuine treachery, and corruption. Passing themselves off as crazy so they can't be held accountable for their obvious sinister duplicity, ignorance, and treachery. But yet some of us operate on higher levels of conscience, some on lower levels of ignorance. To each their own, but these foolish people will soon find out they have sold out their own dignity and honor for all the wrong reasons. But I doubt there's even a good reason to betray these virtues, least most of us have too much self respect to ever find out.

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