Sunday, November 20, 2011

Undeserved apathy of the Anishinaabeg

Oh I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone who genuinely cares, someone who appreciates the truth, someone I can count on when I need your support on confronting issues that effect us all. I thought you'd realize the importance taking a stand, defending our rights, taking initiative to improve them, not settling for what little we are allowed. As first Americans we should be the most privileged, acknowledged, the first to be considered when policy and legislation are being handed down. Why? Because we have lost, sacrificed, bestowed the most in regards to any race of people in america that has of yet not been compensated in the value of rights, nor equality that we have all paid, and continue to pay so dearly for.

It is not as if we have outrageous demands that can't be met with compassion and consideration. No, we have to endure insensitivity, dehumanization, apathy, relentless attacks on what remains of our dignity, our integrity, our sovereignty. And most times these attacks come from our very own people. The agents of oppression indoctrinated, and administered to uphold the continuing onslaught against our humanity. It's nauseating, discouraging, disheartening to witness our own people selfishly dedicating themselves to the injust system pit against us. As first Americans they should be the most conscience, the most compassionate, the least subordinate of the bureaucracies intended to diminish what little we are forced to fight for to obtain.

How can anyone who identifies themselves as Anishinaabe lose sight of who we once were, dishonoring our ancestors, and most of all our children by feeding into the absurdities Intended to suppress us into even more disparities and disadvantages. I don't understand the mentality that leads these people to believe they were doing right by any assumption when they made themselves knowingly available to justify the intolerances and ignorances that are blatantly intended to injure our struggle to regain our composure in today's hostile world. They even feed their ignorances on the fallacies that help them justify their self centered, unwarranted self preservation that they take at the expense of our already besieged, and diminishing opportunities. They feed into and try to adopt the ideals, the standards, the premiums, and absurdities of the status quo. Allowing themselves to become bitter, cynical, pessimistic, intolerable, incompassionate, justified, loathing, and mostly, hopelessly out of touch with their own people.

What caused these Anishinaabeg to lose or pervert their identity, their dignity, their compassion for their countrymen? What's going to bring them back from the brink of nihilism to where they reinvest in their self worth, their precious energy to will of their people? Each and everyone of us are very valuable to our plight to reassert ourselves as human beings that have a right to participate equally within the society. that has discriminately held us hostage with it's inherent ignorance long enough. The ideals most of those that are vulnerable to these absurdities are out of date, obsolete. We are no longer to be romanticized or depreciated as the noble savages challenging the colonization of the territories of our wilderness. We are not conquered, culled, Defeated unless we insist on being. Together we are disenfranchised, discriminated, degraded by the predominant standards that rejects us for being who we are.

We need to return to those visionary, bold, compassionate models of stalwart defenders of our people like our ancestors. We need to quit taking the easy way out and embracing colonization, assimilation, indoctrination, and surrender. We were born into this struggle, perhaps for a reason beyond our comprehension. Yet we are here, and we have a responsibility to one another as Anishinaabeg. Maybe it's time we start living up to these responsibilities instead of looking for excuses to dismiss them. That individualistic mentality does not belong to tribal people such as ourselves. We are not that far removed from our tribalistic ideals to lose sight of who we really are and our purpose to one another. Yes their are some that are hopelessly far too invested into this broken thinking that is only meant to contribute to our decline and eventually the disappearance. But we can not let the casualties to these ideals discourage us from our goals to reignite our potential as Anishinaabeg. We need to prepare ourselves for the tasks in front of us and quit handing over our worth to those that have no use for it.

It is time to reject and abandon the ideals forced upon us that are preventing, and discouraging your potential. We haven't come this far as a people just to let opportunist saboteurs infiltrate our movements for their own selfish benefit. the ideals I share are considered racial, drastic, and unacceptable amongst those that abide by the status quo's demand of our lack of humanity. It's time to revolt, rebel, uprise and break those chains they have shackled to your mind. It is time to reclaim our self worth from those that devalue us. The person responsible for your undeserving depreciation of yourself might just be yourself. Some of us have been forced to think our entire lives we are no use to the society that constantly refuses us our dignity. We must use the momentum of these anti wall street movements to assure our demands are going to be acknowledged and confronted as well. Those non-Anishinaabeg people courageously taking to the streets in disapproval of this broken system are honoring the vibrant tradition of resistance that our ancestors assured our survival with more then most of us are. Their making you look bad people, just keep that in mind when apathy overwhelms you like I witness it doing to you all everyday.

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