Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moccasin Mockery and their hypocritical hyperbole

By writing this response to cowardly attacks against my reputation and character I have gone against the advise and wisdom of my elders. I have been experiencing some serious verbal attacks from people(some anonymous)hiding behind a keyboard,some of these people don't even have the guts to stand on their supposed own words. Yet I wear as a badge of honor their insults because that means I am doing something right or they wouldn't be attacking me. Some people just don’t have the self-awareness to recognize how out of the realm of acceptability their thoughts really are, so they put them all over the Web. Most that have seen my work over the last four years, and judging my work it should be clear that my life is committed to fighting for justice and against injustice. But recently these individuals that have been effectively identified for what they really are have paid money to publish my criminal record and post it on their slanderous, defamatory site dedicated to protecting the corruption of our tribal government, The Leech Lake band of Ojibwe. I also wear as a badge o honor most of my criminal record because it reflects my dedication of clearing gangs out of my community. Back in 1998 I embarked on a vigilante campaign to confront gang members that were lawlessly terrorizing the community of the Mill lacs Indian Reservation. The law enforcement agencies eventually could no longer turn a blind eye to my extreme violence against these individuals disrupting the safety and harmony of this community and charged me with multiple acts of violence. The courts in my eyes showed me leniency for succeeding where these agencies where failing us as a community and I was convicted and repaid my debt to society. Years later, with more knowledge and more self restraint I returned home to the Leech Lake area to continue my campaign against gangs in our Anishinaabe communities. I was welcomed with open arms by many that were fed up with these criminals running a muck, and endangering the safety of our children. So I worked with whom ever was willing to help us rid our communities of these people putting us all in danger and putting our youth a risk. Including the very same law enforcement agencies that criminalizing me for the justice they were unable to provide for the communities I took up to protect. Although I am still very leery of certain law enforcement agencies because they have been supposedly working in effort to remedy this problems that are still very prevalent within our communities. I figured I would help empower these agencies to work in our favor instead of further damaging the relationship they have with Native people. I'm aware of the stigmas and paradigms of authority against native people, but I gave my assistance over to these agencies to now help them help my people. Yet our chairman, Arthur"Archie"Larose has systematically dismantled the relationship between the Band and the Gang/Drug task force agencies funded to approach these problems so he could protect his position within our tribal government he obtained by utilizing these criminal organizations. My colleagues and I started to confront these blatant acts of treachery against our people by our elected officials(mainly Arthur Larose, yet he used the criminal organization of the "Native Mob" to ensure a few other of his hand picked candidates into office as well)But in 2006 our efforts were disrupted by the untimely loss of my best friend who was more like a brother to me, who also worked in effort with other and myself against this treachery against our people. He was violently killed due to the very gang violence we were confronting. Grief stricken I fell back into my alcoholism worse them ever before. The following year I hit rock bottom. Stricken by the loss of yet more close friends, relatives and a spiritual advisior I fell even harder. At the end of a year long binge I woke up in a jail cell. I was guilty of trying to scare my fiance out of a van I owned by violently rocking it because I was blackout drunk trying to drive myself to the liquor store. Neighbors of ours witnessed this and called the police to intervene, I later thanked them(our neighbors)for saving my life. I incriminated myself by admitting I was attempting to scare my fiance out of the van so I could commandeer the vehicle, that alone was enough to convict me of domestic violence which I take full responsibility for. This final incident helped me out of the grief stricken rut I couldn't have gotten out of on my own, so it came as a blessing in so many ways. Now these despicable people are trying to use these valuable life lessons against me to sully my reputation because I speak the truth against their treachery the corruption against our people they have some how have come to appreciate. These people are being encouraged and enabled to Attack me by the powers that be that we have been directly confronting and threatening to dismantle against our people. This stinks of John McCarthy and Randy Finn because Archie lacks the intellect to orchestrate such cleverly, sinister attacks against those of us that are effectively working to overthrow their oppressive hold on the Leech lake people. This treachery goes much further than reservation politics, these pawns will twist and pervert whatever they can get their slimy hands on to discredit those working against their well established, status quo corruption. So don't allow yourselves to be distracted and drawn in by such sinister, petty acts meant to disrupt the progress we have all been making against this corruption. Miigwech for your time and consideration. Our victory is certain.

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