Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stupid Indians

White people guilty of racism don't like being calling stupidly racist, just as Native people guilty of ignorance don't like being called stupidly ignorant, they defend their obsolete ideals to the best of their ability in hopes of holding on to some sort of advantage they believe they have over those of us that see through their stupidity. The only advantage they are holding on to is the comfort they have found together in the systematic institutionalized racism, conferred dominance and internalized oppression go hand in hand when it comes to this racism that is a result of generation after generation of white privilege. Its not only disgraceful when Native people choose to sell out their people in hopes of finding acceptance from the racists openly oppressing our masses, but it is critical to our survival as a people when we allow these elements of racism to ravage our communities and rob our children of any hope of over coming the oppression that threatens the very fabric of our survival. These sit around the fort Indians disgust me more then any raciest white man ever will, these Indians are reminiscent of the Indian scouts that lead Calvary regiments to the hiding camps of their people to decimate them and imprison them while these cowards sat back and watched. Now their guiding the white man through our resistance in hopes of quelling our struggle into oblivion, the assimilation these Indians honor more then their heritage is very frustrating to confront because these Indians are unwilling to let go of the indoctrinated confirmation bias that internalized oppression has suppressed their thinking process into believing. The white men encourage this way of thinking by re-enforcing our internalized oppression by punishing those of us that question the racism that allows them to stay in control of Ojibwe country. It is sad to say, but we the Ojibwe people have allowed ourselves to be conquered. We were once a proud resilient independent people, not these downtrodden vulnerable dependent people we are today, begging for our humanity at the costs of our culture, begging for our culture at the cost of our humanity. The lack of respect emanating throughout our community by our white counterpart is now being encouraged by these internally oppressed Indians as well. As these assimilated Indians sit back in disdain with their racist white brothers as these 'savages' exemplifying stereotypes, condemning them to their discontentment, you got to ask yourself, is this the way my ancestors thought of their fellow Ojibwe? This is not being a tribe, this is not Anishinaabe, ignoring our deplorable living standards set forth for all of us Ojibwe is not a respectable way of conducting yourselves. It does not justify your disapproval, you sellouts that have obviously chose not to respect your responsibility of being Anishinaabe should denounce and relinquish your tribal affiliation, because you are not one of the people. We should have government funds set aside for blue contacts, hair and skin bleaching so we will no longer confuse you sellouts for one of our own, playing Indian has become appreciated by the racist white men in charge, you token Indians think just because the white man sees you as one of them that you are better then those too oppressed for their own good, but your not. Your worse, you protect your pompous ideals with your credentials of assimilation, plagiarizing racist ideals your weak minds have become vulnerable towards to justify and excuse your ignorance. You are just as an example of internalized oppression as these 'savages' you think your looking down your nose at, as of now, the white man is not my only enemy standing in the way of the prosperity of my people, it is you Indians playing Indian as well, and your disgusting involvement in the systematic institutionalized racism is going to be brought to light as well.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Shiftless Shinobs

It is fairly easy to determine right from wrong when dealing with those that suffer from delusions of grander. These self inflicted delusions are results of their own selfishness that help them justify their indolent negligent mannerism, rather then finding courage in presenting their own opinion. They'd rather faithlessly subscribe to a popular unstable ideal in hopes of preserving their energy for their own self centered endeavors, so they can criticize and pass judgment on matters they lack insight towards from these standpoints and confirmation bias. So they regurgitate literature in hopes of impressing their colleagues, associates or kin, I admit I have humored these pathetic individuals rhetoric in hopes of assisting them of overcoming their obvious shortcomings, yet most of the time my efforts are in vain, so I move forward in solidarity as they remain in their decadence of self centered ignorant servitude. Their pathetic attempts to overcomplicated matters in hopes of remaining shiftless and discouraging results that will debunk their perspective are not worthy of my attention. For I see past their facades, I know more about these people then they'd like to believe, because their beliefs are deluded and full of selfishness, I refuse to respect these people for their deceitful opinion. I refuse to pay any heed to any of their retorts, for they have provided me with the insight in determining their of no worth to society at large, let alone to their families or friends, they'd rather hide themselves away in their sanctity of selfish ignorance to criticize the woes of the world in cowardice. There are things worth fighting for, the recognition of these self centered individuals are not one of these things, they rather put effort into finding justification for their selfish ideals rather then finding solutions to overcoming ills of their fellowman. So instead of pointing fingers and condemning your fellowman, stand up, show them by example what can be accomplished when become selfless and compassionate, show them by example what can be done when we put our families and our communities before ourselves. We must support those that are sacrificing themselves in hopes of giving us back hope, hope is the only thing some of us have, or would you selfish individuals rather have that as well to do nothing with.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Internalized Oppression; Deadliest disease in Indian Country

How do any of these people that are not realistic about themselves going to take anything of importance to task? A lot of pretentious folks that lack humbleness, that become detached from their humility, whom in most cases hold degrees like to believe that tasks that concern the attention of somebody that in their opinion holds the credentials to tackle such critical situations withhold their recognition from those of us that are effectively confronting these matters. Why? Because we are the ones directly involved with these afflictions they undermine. Yes, there might have been a period in their lives in which they have had to persevere such obstacles we are currently enduring, but that is now behind them, and now they won't allow their standards to be lowered to the oppression that they in some way believe they have risen above, but these people in my opinion have only deluded themselves to believe these things. A lot of downtrodden people's energy and willpower goes towards just making through the day, a lot of times Nicole and I have to focus our energy on maintaining our family, the tasks we have taken up are mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially exhausting. The struggles we endure have caused stress within our home, our family, our friendships, our community. Yet we refuse to give up, who else is standing up to the problems we have consciously identified and confronted? Their isn't many, because a lot of these oppressed people in reality are not looking to overcome the systematic institutionalized racism, they have been assimilated into re-enforcing stereotypes of the conferred dominance we have allowed ourselves to become victim of. For every one of us that stands to confront these problems there is 1000 white people arrogantly questioning our social rebellion against their indoctrinated racism they are inherently vulnerable to, so these privileged Indians they have given a taste of the American dream become intoxicated by the pursuit of conformity in order to taste some more of what they see the white man gorging himself on. The grandfathers of these white men of today wished for my grandfathers to eat dirt, their sons, the fathers of today's white man witnessed the civil rights movement, mostly in disdain, threatened by the equality of the minority drove them to withdraw even further into their racism. Preserving and hiding their ignorance away in towns like Bemidji throughout the country, I could respect one's right to thrive within a racist community in peace, but not when this racist community is centralized between the 3 biggest Ojibwe reservation in the Ojibwe nation. This is very unacceptable, American Indians teaching their children to assimilate into tolerating these ignorant living conditions is unacceptable, our freedom is dwindling, there will be nothing left for our children if we allow the thief of our humanity to continue to occur. The greed of our white brothers has allowed our directionless communities to usher in leaders that have made a business out of buying and selling our people, they have found the right Indians for the job when it comes to keeping us in line and under control. Our communities have become overwhelmed by mainstream media like the rest of the know world, as we contemporary people struggle to hold onto our culture. Their is not much genuine to being 'Indian' today, a lot of the culture within our communities are being diluted by mainstream society, a lot of spurious traditions have taken place of our original teachings. The manipulative teachings of our white brothers have also been integrated into our communities. Honor is also something that is near extinction besides our language, we must return to our warrior societies to discipline our young warriors to be real men, not these gangsters that we have neglected in preventing them from glorifying, and robbing our tribe of their energy. We are losing grips with our humanity, throughout Indian country we are regressing into ignorance by process of internalized oppression. Internalized oppression is more of a disease ravaging our communities more than diabetes, cancer, heart disease and alcoholism combined, in most cases these diseases are direct result of internalized oppression. There is tribally funded campaigns launched to bring awareness and combat these diseases, the Warriors for Justice Political Party is the only organization confronting systematic institutionalized racism and internalized oppression throughout Indian Country. Currently we are underfunded and undermanned, but we will continue to press the issue until the awareness spreads, until it can no longer be ignored, neglected and undermined. Internalized oppression is also the withholding of ones support for those fighting for their children, whatever the reason maybe that prevents them from standing up for their children, do not let that prevent you from at least supporting those of us going out to confront this racism before it is oppressing them, our children, our future. One day they'll be exposed to hatred, racism, oppression. sad to say, but some people are just too stuck on stupid to realize their indoctrinating their children into being internally oppressed. Yet this is the responsibility of being apart of an Anishinaabe community, to reach out to those misguided children, to give them a chance at a better life their family might not be able to provide them with. Some of the families of our community have fallen into a vicious cycle of neglect, a lot of families never healed from traumatic displacement behaviors we were exposed to during the boarding school era, the wounds run deep and rip through generations of our people if we do not confront these behaviors and heal from them through our teachings. Our teachings help us be a better Anishinaabe, for ourselves, our children, our families, our communities. Are we to be the last of the first Americans? Looking upon my children give me hope this will not be our fate, looking upon my children give me determination to stand up for them so they will not have a harder road then the one I have walked for them. They deserve better, their innocence washes away any hatred or resentment I have picked up along the way, they teach me patience, love, and understanding. So I will honor these little ones that have taught me more about myself then any elder ever has. I will fight for them and them alone, I will stand against anyone red or white that wishes to prevent me from providing them with hope I hadn't found for myself until they came into my life.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Warriors for Justice, Cowards of Internalized Oppresson.

As we relentlessly push forward with conviction, some of those that come to our aid and heed our cry for justice lack the resiliency, lost hope or see no selfish reason to press forward fall back or give up. Causalities to their own weakness, the issues we bring forth demand a strong will that has triumphed against oppression, re-enforced by countless battles and confrontations to withstand the ruthless bombardment we have found ourselves entrenched and under fire deep behind enemy lines with. It takes an acute awareness that is forged in the darkest depths of oppression and discrimination to effectively identify these problems. As I look back at these people that have fled in fear or in the hopes of self preservation, it becomes apparent to me that this fight we have taken up deserves a better foundation then those weak-hearted self-entered people that have stepped forward in falsehood. We can not build nothing of value on the backs of these weak hearted cowards that fold in the face of systematic institutionalized racism. They'd rather die in their beds as pathetic old decrepit cowards rather then die fighting for justice and freedom as brave warriors for their downtrodden children, their family, their people, their community, their nation. these are not warriors of justice. We are the ones that will bring forth the words to free our people, we are the ones willing to sacrifice in the name of equality. We are the ones that refuse to give up as we stare systematic institutionalized racism in the face and demand it to release our people from its hold of internalized oppression, and indoctrinated racism. These weak-hearted people remind me of rats that flee from the light of truth when it is cast upon them in all their disgusting, shameful, manipulative mannerism so they withdraw even further into their holes of deceit and squalor. Scurrying away into the darkness to hide amongst all the other filthy rats wallowing in the sewers of society. I'd rather remain meek and humble rather then be overwhelmed by these 'rats' looking for their own greedy motives to overrun our opposition. We need warriors, not filthy cowardice rats amongst our ranks as we press forward in our political guerrilla fight to free our people. We need those willing to stand strong in the faces of our oppressors, not those crawling around scavenging at what little scraps of humanity they have been indoctrinated to tolerate that malnourished the integrity of our community for far too long. Not these servants of oppression that cater to the racism and its masters that orchestrate this misery amongst our people and community. We need genuine warriors with a righteous forthright purpose that live as a true Anishinaabe to stand amongst us. If you choose to stand amongst us, that alone will test your stature as a warrior. I have seen with my own eyes what this struggle does to those not adequately strong enough to persevere the rigors of its cruel onslaught on our community. It defeats most men to their vices, it fractures homes and families in to anarchy, abandoned in defeat, never to return again to their responsibilities to their family or community as an Anishinaabe, but I will continue to lead these brave warriors that are willing to stand out against our enemies until systematic institutionalized racism no longer threatens our children and our people. Our communities and way of life are under attack, how much longer are most of you going to shiftlessly sit by watching our youth fall victim to this internalized oppression. internalized oppression we have all failed from overwhelming our communities. We must relight our council fires, return to our lodges, confront the charlatans withholding our teaching for their own selfish means of deceitful propaganda. There is where we will rediscover the strength that helped our ancestors persevere all the obstacles that stood in the way of our presence here today. Now is the time to honor them and re-institute those teachings that brought them harmony in those extreme times of turmoil, not to hide them away in the false sanctity of these rats that have some how gotten their dirty little hands on these teachings that are meant for the strength of our people, not meant to give them the strength to control and manipulate the oppressed wandering about directionless. We as Anishinaabe people must go back and pick up what we left behind to move forward in unity. Until then we cannot go back and fix the things we left behind to find understanding with our white brothers and sisters, and until then we will not survive, none of us, together.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stepping forth in unity

What logical evidence or reasoning can anyone of these so-called Anishinaabe stand behind that justifies their withholding of support or involvement in our plight to bring justice forth for the American Indian people of Minnesota? Even some of the old guard activists criticize our actions as 'counter-productive'. I never considered myself an activist, but as of lately I'm being accused of it more then usual. Yet, why then if they were so productive, and pride themselves as some sort of pinnacle of civil justice are these problems that they are obviously ignoring, neglecting, undermining, and belittling not being addressed effectively by them? Well I'll tell you why, because there's no media covering our struggle. The racism has not only been institutionalized into society but obviously into their way of thinking as well. Why the issues we are addressing deserve the attention not only from them, but why not the community these problems are victimizing at large? Is it because there's no limelight for them to bask in? These self centered so-called activists only conduct support for any cause only if they see some sort of glory for them to capture, and I promise you, there will be no glory for one sole individual to claim here. What we do is for the American Indian community as a whole, a lot of American Indians only reserve harsh criticism against us, claiming we're further damaging the relationship within our already racist community with our non-native counterpart. They'd rather shake hands with the racism rather then creating a rapport of understanding, but somehow they are intent on seeing our protest as a demonstration of violence, yes we protest with conviction, but with violence? No. We in no way encourage violent confrontation, we in no way as of yet made any attempts to exclude anyone to be apart of our efforts to break the back of systematic institutionalized racism. The jealousy and envy that permeates through these results of this indoctrinated racism is nothing short of internalized oppression. White privilege is not only a practice of the white man any longer, it is now acknowledged and encouraged amongst a majority of the American Indian community as well, where as American Indians adhere to the stereotypical perspective of our white counterpart and exemplify those behaviors and action, with pride even. The divide and conquer scenario ravages almost every native community throughout Indian country, a lot of these pompous pretentious so-called Anishinaabe which are indoctrinated into the credentials of the white man's obsolete. Insensitive teachings walk around with their noses in the air, regurgitating information at us as if it is their own lucrative opinion that we should accredit to them, else their these downtrodden oppressed people that see no value in standing against the oppression that degrades their living conditions, walking around with their heads down in defeat. We are here providing you with a medium, some where to stand proud, but no to proud to where pride becomes a vice of your ego and devalues your participation in the efforts to bring forth unity within our community for native and non-native alike. Somewhere where we can come together and away from these indoctrinated ways of thinking keeping us oppressed on both sides, no matter if this oppression is ignored or tolerated, it still belongs to us all as the Anishinaabe, and first we must come together once again as a tribe to overcome it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Standing Up

Our undaunted resilience permeates through the racist barricades holding my people back from equality and justice. Although we have no justice nor equality to speak of, we proceed as if we are abundant with those virtues, I don't know why we were chosen to rattle the status quo and question the racist induced slumber my people wander about in this nightmare sedated by our white counterpart. What prize do they take away from our dismay? How can anything compensate for the discontentment they have knowingly breed amongst our masses? What helps them sleep at night knowing they are directly responsible for the disarray the communities of my people are forced to struggle to thrive within? Is it Jesus that justifies their relentless pursuit to bring about discrimination and injustice down upon my people, what kind of god could justify these atrocious actions? Where do these people draw their strength from to keep us bound in their web of deceit, distrust and discouragement? Why must my people pretend as if their entitled to live by these lowly standards we allowed our oppressors to set before us? Where do they find the courage to stand against us, and question our dedication to free them from these bonds of discrimination? How do they deal with this awful weight set upon our shoulders to trudge through generation after generation of this disruption of harmony we have sacrificed our children for? This is not what our ancestors had in mind when they decided to sign treaties to prevent anymore suffering upon our people, but signing those treaties only allowed not only them, but ourselves to dishonor them by allowing them to continue to take away our humanity. Today this inhumanity has become a contemporary instrument to celebrate our heritage like breading and pow wows. Why must we celebrate our discontentment by allowing this perversion of our way of life to ensue? Why must other people of my tribe question and refuse to support us as we battle our oppressors for equality and understanding, internalized oppression has consumed my people, killing Indians has gone out of style, yet my people protect this discrimination with their lives, as if their going to loose something vital to their survival if they attempt to question the racism degrading our livelihood. So they withdraw into ignorance, jealousy, anger, and resentment, why? Because they have been indoctrinated into these deplorable living conditions handed down to them by their parents whom in most cases failed to provide them with a promise of a better future. This discrimination conquers most of my people, leaving them defeated and resentful, yet my colleagues and I continue to gather medicine, to give back that strength we have been robbed of. To awake them, so we may rise out of the ashes, this is a political ghost dance we political guerrillas have initiated to bring about hope in the most racist city in American. A city they built amongst our communities, so as racism stares into the faces of all of you and mistreats your children, know that their is someone standing against these injustices denying our equality, and we cannot do this alone. We need all of us to push down these walls of discrimination, so we may return our integrity to our children before these conditions victimize them, so I ask you, I beg you. If you can not stand for yourselves, stand for them. Let their innocence give you strength, let them not be corrupted and downtrodden as this society has forced so many of our people to become, give them hope by standing up with us against the injustice, this isn't just our fight, its all you you who every suffered because of racism and discrimination, we fight for you, and those that are currently suffering. To release our children of our failure, instead of pointing blame, we need to question that blame, because a lot of my people need to own that blame for allowing these conditions to threaten their children, because they deserve better, and we can provide that for them, but only if we stand up.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The encouragment of internalized oppression

Not even 10 minutes after we submitted our 580 signatures to keep Nicole Beaulieau on the November 2nd ballot, under the Warriors for Justice Political Party, Kay Mack the County Auditor calls to notify us that over 100 of our signatures are invalid due to the fact a lot of people listed a P.O. box number. On the form, it clearly states that using a P.O. box number is valid, we then called Brad Anderson, who works in the elections department for the Secretary of State, on may 19th Gregory Paquin called Brads office and talked with a young man named Adam who refused to give us his name, Greg was trying to confirm that P.O. box numbers would be valid, this young man reassured us they would be valid, conveniently Brad denies receiving the message of Gregs phone call. If this phone call never existed, why would we proceed so confidently on obtaining peoples signatures with a P.O. box number listed, then we contacted Burt Black, who is the Attorney General of the Secretary of State, he agreed with our argument that those signatures ought to be valid, then we called Mark Richie's office, Mark Richie is the Secretary of State, we talked to his secretary Jim Gelbmann, who stated this is a matter to be looked into. Mark Richie has of yet to get back to us on this matter. Going back to the conversation with Brad Anderson, he stated that the P.O. box option is reserved for more country states like Mississippi or Alabama, where as in Northern Minnesota, territory and home to a lot of Ojibwe people that receive their mail out of post offices, it just seems to me that we are systematically being targeted to prevent us from ever having a say in the decision making process. Somebody is orchestrating this debacle to keep our people out of the Minnesota Senate. Bemidji is a very racist city, and this systematic institutionalized racism is at the forefront of every aspect of life here, generation after generation of this oppression has resulted in internalized oppression amongst the American Indians that call this racist place home. It's very heart breaking to witness so many of my people live their lives defeated here, this internalized oppression is ravaging the lives here of every American Indian unlucky enough to fall in love with this community where racism is a way of life. We have suffered some of the worse criticism from our own people for what we are doing by standing up, these people rather remain counterproductive, they rather feed into the stereotypes, they rather pretend racism doesn't exist, they rather pretend they aren't even American Indian. As if ignoring their own heritage is going to result in their acceptance from our white racist brothers, don't get me wrong, not all white people are racist here, but those in charge are some of the most racist around, more white people understand why we are doing this more then a lot of American Indians do. These American Indians can complain and become irate every time this racism stares them in their face, yet they refuse to support people like us standing up against this systematic institutionalized racism. This is just the beginning of our struggle to break down these walls of injustice, this is just the beginning of our campaign to raise awareness and educate our downtrodden people. We will continue to protest and raise awareness of this racism degrading the lives of the American Indians that call one of the most racist cities in America, "home" We will continue to drag this racism out of the shadows until it can no longer be ignored, the racists of this city will have to own their shame soon of oppressing their Indian brothers.