Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stepping forth in unity

What logical evidence or reasoning can anyone of these so-called Anishinaabe stand behind that justifies their withholding of support or involvement in our plight to bring justice forth for the American Indian people of Minnesota? Even some of the old guard activists criticize our actions as 'counter-productive'. I never considered myself an activist, but as of lately I'm being accused of it more then usual. Yet, why then if they were so productive, and pride themselves as some sort of pinnacle of civil justice are these problems that they are obviously ignoring, neglecting, undermining, and belittling not being addressed effectively by them? Well I'll tell you why, because there's no media covering our struggle. The racism has not only been institutionalized into society but obviously into their way of thinking as well. Why the issues we are addressing deserve the attention not only from them, but why not the community these problems are victimizing at large? Is it because there's no limelight for them to bask in? These self centered so-called activists only conduct support for any cause only if they see some sort of glory for them to capture, and I promise you, there will be no glory for one sole individual to claim here. What we do is for the American Indian community as a whole, a lot of American Indians only reserve harsh criticism against us, claiming we're further damaging the relationship within our already racist community with our non-native counterpart. They'd rather shake hands with the racism rather then creating a rapport of understanding, but somehow they are intent on seeing our protest as a demonstration of violence, yes we protest with conviction, but with violence? No. We in no way encourage violent confrontation, we in no way as of yet made any attempts to exclude anyone to be apart of our efforts to break the back of systematic institutionalized racism. The jealousy and envy that permeates through these results of this indoctrinated racism is nothing short of internalized oppression. White privilege is not only a practice of the white man any longer, it is now acknowledged and encouraged amongst a majority of the American Indian community as well, where as American Indians adhere to the stereotypical perspective of our white counterpart and exemplify those behaviors and action, with pride even. The divide and conquer scenario ravages almost every native community throughout Indian country, a lot of these pompous pretentious so-called Anishinaabe which are indoctrinated into the credentials of the white man's obsolete. Insensitive teachings walk around with their noses in the air, regurgitating information at us as if it is their own lucrative opinion that we should accredit to them, else their these downtrodden oppressed people that see no value in standing against the oppression that degrades their living conditions, walking around with their heads down in defeat. We are here providing you with a medium, some where to stand proud, but no to proud to where pride becomes a vice of your ego and devalues your participation in the efforts to bring forth unity within our community for native and non-native alike. Somewhere where we can come together and away from these indoctrinated ways of thinking keeping us oppressed on both sides, no matter if this oppression is ignored or tolerated, it still belongs to us all as the Anishinaabe, and first we must come together once again as a tribe to overcome it.

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