Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stupid Indians

White people guilty of racism don't like being calling stupidly racist, just as Native people guilty of ignorance don't like being called stupidly ignorant, they defend their obsolete ideals to the best of their ability in hopes of holding on to some sort of advantage they believe they have over those of us that see through their stupidity. The only advantage they are holding on to is the comfort they have found together in the systematic institutionalized racism, conferred dominance and internalized oppression go hand in hand when it comes to this racism that is a result of generation after generation of white privilege. Its not only disgraceful when Native people choose to sell out their people in hopes of finding acceptance from the racists openly oppressing our masses, but it is critical to our survival as a people when we allow these elements of racism to ravage our communities and rob our children of any hope of over coming the oppression that threatens the very fabric of our survival. These sit around the fort Indians disgust me more then any raciest white man ever will, these Indians are reminiscent of the Indian scouts that lead Calvary regiments to the hiding camps of their people to decimate them and imprison them while these cowards sat back and watched. Now their guiding the white man through our resistance in hopes of quelling our struggle into oblivion, the assimilation these Indians honor more then their heritage is very frustrating to confront because these Indians are unwilling to let go of the indoctrinated confirmation bias that internalized oppression has suppressed their thinking process into believing. The white men encourage this way of thinking by re-enforcing our internalized oppression by punishing those of us that question the racism that allows them to stay in control of Ojibwe country. It is sad to say, but we the Ojibwe people have allowed ourselves to be conquered. We were once a proud resilient independent people, not these downtrodden vulnerable dependent people we are today, begging for our humanity at the costs of our culture, begging for our culture at the cost of our humanity. The lack of respect emanating throughout our community by our white counterpart is now being encouraged by these internally oppressed Indians as well. As these assimilated Indians sit back in disdain with their racist white brothers as these 'savages' exemplifying stereotypes, condemning them to their discontentment, you got to ask yourself, is this the way my ancestors thought of their fellow Ojibwe? This is not being a tribe, this is not Anishinaabe, ignoring our deplorable living standards set forth for all of us Ojibwe is not a respectable way of conducting yourselves. It does not justify your disapproval, you sellouts that have obviously chose not to respect your responsibility of being Anishinaabe should denounce and relinquish your tribal affiliation, because you are not one of the people. We should have government funds set aside for blue contacts, hair and skin bleaching so we will no longer confuse you sellouts for one of our own, playing Indian has become appreciated by the racist white men in charge, you token Indians think just because the white man sees you as one of them that you are better then those too oppressed for their own good, but your not. Your worse, you protect your pompous ideals with your credentials of assimilation, plagiarizing racist ideals your weak minds have become vulnerable towards to justify and excuse your ignorance. You are just as an example of internalized oppression as these 'savages' you think your looking down your nose at, as of now, the white man is not my only enemy standing in the way of the prosperity of my people, it is you Indians playing Indian as well, and your disgusting involvement in the systematic institutionalized racism is going to be brought to light as well.

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