Monday, June 28, 2010

Shiftless Shinobs

It is fairly easy to determine right from wrong when dealing with those that suffer from delusions of grander. These self inflicted delusions are results of their own selfishness that help them justify their indolent negligent mannerism, rather then finding courage in presenting their own opinion. They'd rather faithlessly subscribe to a popular unstable ideal in hopes of preserving their energy for their own self centered endeavors, so they can criticize and pass judgment on matters they lack insight towards from these standpoints and confirmation bias. So they regurgitate literature in hopes of impressing their colleagues, associates or kin, I admit I have humored these pathetic individuals rhetoric in hopes of assisting them of overcoming their obvious shortcomings, yet most of the time my efforts are in vain, so I move forward in solidarity as they remain in their decadence of self centered ignorant servitude. Their pathetic attempts to overcomplicated matters in hopes of remaining shiftless and discouraging results that will debunk their perspective are not worthy of my attention. For I see past their facades, I know more about these people then they'd like to believe, because their beliefs are deluded and full of selfishness, I refuse to respect these people for their deceitful opinion. I refuse to pay any heed to any of their retorts, for they have provided me with the insight in determining their of no worth to society at large, let alone to their families or friends, they'd rather hide themselves away in their sanctity of selfish ignorance to criticize the woes of the world in cowardice. There are things worth fighting for, the recognition of these self centered individuals are not one of these things, they rather put effort into finding justification for their selfish ideals rather then finding solutions to overcoming ills of their fellowman. So instead of pointing fingers and condemning your fellowman, stand up, show them by example what can be accomplished when become selfless and compassionate, show them by example what can be done when we put our families and our communities before ourselves. We must support those that are sacrificing themselves in hopes of giving us back hope, hope is the only thing some of us have, or would you selfish individuals rather have that as well to do nothing with.

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