Saturday, June 19, 2010

Warriors for Justice, Cowards of Internalized Oppresson.

As we relentlessly push forward with conviction, some of those that come to our aid and heed our cry for justice lack the resiliency, lost hope or see no selfish reason to press forward fall back or give up. Causalities to their own weakness, the issues we bring forth demand a strong will that has triumphed against oppression, re-enforced by countless battles and confrontations to withstand the ruthless bombardment we have found ourselves entrenched and under fire deep behind enemy lines with. It takes an acute awareness that is forged in the darkest depths of oppression and discrimination to effectively identify these problems. As I look back at these people that have fled in fear or in the hopes of self preservation, it becomes apparent to me that this fight we have taken up deserves a better foundation then those weak-hearted self-entered people that have stepped forward in falsehood. We can not build nothing of value on the backs of these weak hearted cowards that fold in the face of systematic institutionalized racism. They'd rather die in their beds as pathetic old decrepit cowards rather then die fighting for justice and freedom as brave warriors for their downtrodden children, their family, their people, their community, their nation. these are not warriors of justice. We are the ones that will bring forth the words to free our people, we are the ones willing to sacrifice in the name of equality. We are the ones that refuse to give up as we stare systematic institutionalized racism in the face and demand it to release our people from its hold of internalized oppression, and indoctrinated racism. These weak-hearted people remind me of rats that flee from the light of truth when it is cast upon them in all their disgusting, shameful, manipulative mannerism so they withdraw even further into their holes of deceit and squalor. Scurrying away into the darkness to hide amongst all the other filthy rats wallowing in the sewers of society. I'd rather remain meek and humble rather then be overwhelmed by these 'rats' looking for their own greedy motives to overrun our opposition. We need warriors, not filthy cowardice rats amongst our ranks as we press forward in our political guerrilla fight to free our people. We need those willing to stand strong in the faces of our oppressors, not those crawling around scavenging at what little scraps of humanity they have been indoctrinated to tolerate that malnourished the integrity of our community for far too long. Not these servants of oppression that cater to the racism and its masters that orchestrate this misery amongst our people and community. We need genuine warriors with a righteous forthright purpose that live as a true Anishinaabe to stand amongst us. If you choose to stand amongst us, that alone will test your stature as a warrior. I have seen with my own eyes what this struggle does to those not adequately strong enough to persevere the rigors of its cruel onslaught on our community. It defeats most men to their vices, it fractures homes and families in to anarchy, abandoned in defeat, never to return again to their responsibilities to their family or community as an Anishinaabe, but I will continue to lead these brave warriors that are willing to stand out against our enemies until systematic institutionalized racism no longer threatens our children and our people. Our communities and way of life are under attack, how much longer are most of you going to shiftlessly sit by watching our youth fall victim to this internalized oppression. internalized oppression we have all failed from overwhelming our communities. We must relight our council fires, return to our lodges, confront the charlatans withholding our teaching for their own selfish means of deceitful propaganda. There is where we will rediscover the strength that helped our ancestors persevere all the obstacles that stood in the way of our presence here today. Now is the time to honor them and re-institute those teachings that brought them harmony in those extreme times of turmoil, not to hide them away in the false sanctity of these rats that have some how gotten their dirty little hands on these teachings that are meant for the strength of our people, not meant to give them the strength to control and manipulate the oppressed wandering about directionless. We as Anishinaabe people must go back and pick up what we left behind to move forward in unity. Until then we cannot go back and fix the things we left behind to find understanding with our white brothers and sisters, and until then we will not survive, none of us, together.

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