Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And the genocide goes on...

Assimilation, are we really assimilated? or are we just behavior controlled? Because we in reality haven't been 'absorbed' into American society, a majority of our people live in poverty due to this fact. Every stifled opportunity we are presented we are scrutinized within monotonous racism of white supremacy. I don't believe much has changed within a majority of the attitudes of white men since their treacherously, insensitive treaties were written up in favor of diminishing the red man into our eventual extinction. Today, we are still subjugated to corporate genocide, where they think they can compensate our suffrage by throwing money at our hazardous living conditions the white man's greed exposes us to. Money that never makes it passed the hands of the so-called 'elected representatives' the white man has approved of leading the other Indians around by the noses. There are so many issues that prevent many Indian people from ever feeling as if they are having their fill of the American dream, the reality most of us are forced to endure is actually the American nightmare. Sure their are a few Indians that reap the benefit of equal consideration when it comes to social interaction, but its almost as if these Indians have secretly denounce their heritage in order to gain the approval of their intended audience of their none Indian counterparts. Some white men can claim to be color blind when it comes to dealing with others of a different ethnicity, but why must they disregard who I am? Even in my indigenous lands? Why can't they embrace my ethnicity? Why do they feel as if they are entitled to this attitude of superiority? Its almost as if out of shame they find comfort in ignoring my heritage, yet they subconsciously categorize me and others like me into this lower standard or class when interacting with us. But if I talk to them in my 'white man' voice, the look on their faces becomes apparent, and yes, I have momentarily confused them, but just long enough for a brief glimpse of equality. None the less, they realize I'm just an Indian, and I'm probably just trying to gain their approval in order to eventually steal from them or do them wrong in order to seek justice for my ancestors. White men guard their guilt and most intend to go to their graves with it, for they have inherited wealth and opportunity off the exploitation of stolen lands and resources and the mistreatment of our people, but they refuse to inherit the accountability of the injustices we endured and are still enduring to this day by their hand. They are right about one of their guilt induced ignorant fears, I am seeking justice, but not for my ancestors, but for my children. So they will not be exposed to the insensitive hardships I have endured, the only gift I hope I can bestow upon my children is equality, a chance to become apart of this society we have all come to love but constantly rejects us because we red. I already see this inhuman behavior dousing my children chances at a happy healthy life when I take them to hospitals, they are regarded in such disregard when it comes to their health it angers me beyond composure. The way I watch white people look down upon my children reassures me most white people here in Northern Minnesota do not appreciate even their presence. Harmless, innocent children, that's makes me believe the evil stories of what these white men did to our young ones when they violently entered our villages, and sometimes I catch a glimpse in their eyes of those monsters they descended from. Today they are still sacrificing our children to their unquenchable greed, and they will not reason with the cries of the suffering, for they have stuffed money in their ears, and they punish us if we refuse to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. Assimilation doesn't mean you won't be a target of racism. Ask any Black male.

    And while I get it, White people are privileged in the current system of institutionalized racism, it doesn't translate into self aware privilege and the greed of the wealthy few, it leaves a lot of White men languishing in poverty and addiction as well. And White men have prejudices against white people too: the tea parties are anti-intellectual for a reason - Colleges are biased against admitting White students from rural or conservative Christian backgrounds.

    So this railing against the "White man", were it not for being born into privilege it would be racist, and even with the privilege, it's hostile language to White people such as myself, and I'm not the person you're talking about. White men struggling to not become homeless are concerned about food and shelter, not how to screw you over. And most white men are that white man.

    I don't doubt your experience of racism from the fine folk of Northern Minnesota, hell, in New York City white people would cross the street to avoid passing my Black boyfriend on the street, because being Black he must be dangerous. I understand your anger and I concede the racism is real. But from my point of view I can promise you that every person that has treated you badly, they pride themselves in not having a bigoted bone in their body. The denial can be a thing of wonder to behold.

    But also the racist treatment you receive, it's perhaps not purely racist. It may be largely class based. Because the White people of Northern Minnesota will likely treat a white person very badly too, they just have to look very poor.
