Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I become overwhelmed by disappointment at some of these people trying to market being 'Anishinaabe.' Who are they to tell anyone one how and how not their respecting our heritage when these people obviously have their views deluded by some influence corrupting the teaching they claim to uphold and hold over the heads of others? These people are pitiful hypocrites, I refuse to believe they live within total accord to the ways our ancestors once lived. I don't harbor negative feelings against them for that fact, because its impossible to live in both worlds without being conflicted, but I do become frustrated observing these people go about within our communities corrupting others to their inept views through teachings. Disconnecting whomever is vulnerable to their bias, self-serving banter to what is of true importance to us as Anishinaabeg in today's world. If anything, there is very few of us living within the respects of our ancestors' wishes, going to ceremonies and talking the language are not the only aspects of our ancestors lives that helped them pass on and gift us with their way of life. Like I said before, I believe a lot of ceremonies are done in vain because the manidoug have abandoned most that they have become disappointed in as well. There was many conflicts our ancestors endured for us to be here, some against the white man, some against ourselves, and today we are still struggling against ourselves. Although those things are very important such as the language and our ceremonies, I believe overemphasizing on these virtues throws off one's balance of being true to their claim of being Anishinaabe. Some overindulge in these aspects of our nature, some develop delusions of grander persuing fulfillment of a obvious void in their lives, allowing themselves to believe they are more blessed then their fellowman and they deserve their sense of superiority. These people develop self delusions, duping those struggling or those without direction into believing that they in some way have obtained a direct line to the all mighty. I do believe Gichi Manidou talks to us all in certain ways if we attune ourselves to our spirituality and nurture our relationship with the creator and the spirits of the creations we have been blessed with. But I become very skeptical when I witness time after time these so-called medicine people fail those that have entrusted in them. I am descended from hereditary chiefs, I have been gifted with the leadership skills my people take value in, I will assert myself as a leader amongst my people someday soon. As of now I have many charlatans to challenge, I have a lot of false prophets and false leaders to speak against, this is my duty as an Anishinaabe that which I have been born into and gifted with. This is my responsibility, our ancestors used to listen to their hearts in all matters, this is what my heart tells me. There must be another time of conflict, we need our ogichidaawag once again, we must light the 8th fire, no matter who is standing, sitting, lying in our way, no matter who is trying to pull us down, we must fight once again for our survival.

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