Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Throw em to the wolves.

Well then, elections are over, Nicole received 91 votes I guess. That's a lot more then we expected, trust me, Nicole doesn't want that bullshit just yet, not this time around, not with all those republicans in there. That's way more trouble than its worth right there. I would like to point out we helped keep John Perrsell in office by noting the institutionalized racism that Lehmann has become notorious for upholding here in Bemidji as Mayor. John Persell is also apart of this racism, yeah he might be married to a Indian woman, but I doubt his Indian family addition are painting a realistic picture of the real conditions of the Ojibwe people. That was obvious when I urged Nicole to meet with him for coffee weeks before the primaries, we hoped to come to an understanding with the old out-of-touch guy. He refused to acknowledge the obvious hardships holding his fellow man hostage through systematic institutionalized racism, rather he justified his obnoxious ignorance by the obvious racist notion captivating his mind. He is truly unaware of his own vulnerability to the inherent racism he was more then likely raised with. However Persell isn't as much of a threat anymore, the republicans know he's just a spineless coward sheep of a man, their going to boss him around just like old Oberstar used to. Now being his environmentally hazardous colleagues are no longer there to co-hearse him into the ranks of their poor decision making, Johns is now left scared and alone in a house full off republicans. Now John Perrsell is just an ignored minority in the house of reps, a minority just as those he undermined and belittled by justifying his ignorance by our soci-economic plight hes been apart of ignoring since he and his cohorts have gottin him into office. We pretty much condemned him to a unproductive strenuous 2 years to be belittled, undermined, and bullied about by the republicans. We pretty much through him to the wolves. He even said He drew support from Republicans and independents as well, he said. “I’ll certainly make the effort to let people know that I’ll work with anybody who wants to work on the issues." There you go John, get to the ass kissin, yet the entire nation seems to be reluctantly adhering to what we've been saying from the get go. They've been in denial far too long, some still are, but its a little too late to realize there is no real answers being presented in the two party system currently screwing us all, but still, who did all these idiots vote for? Republicans? What the hell people? If you don't like the way your toothpaste cleans your teeth, don't start brushing your teeth with dog shit. Not even the majority of these stupid, ignorant, so-called Ojibwes we've been hollering the facts at in hopes of setting an example for the nation to admire us for taking back our country from these capitalist pigs exposing us all to their insensitive mind numbing greed. Still they refuse to acknowledge the truth we've been going out to speak of. A majority of my people(the Ojibwe) are nothing but a bunch of greedy, self serving children begging the great white father for permission to go play the the casino hotel pool. A lot of Indians refused to vote for Mark Dayton because he wants to open a state casino, and some idiot fear mongered them into believing its going to take revenue that they rarely see anyways away from their greedy, money grubbing hands, yeah right. That casino is going to be built in the Twin Cities, it will complete with the overindulgent Shakopee band, the very same band that most of the Ojibwe tribes are indebted to for building our shitty little casinos that pay our people poverty wages, all the while exposing us to lung cancer and heart disease. Indian gaming has many Indians duped into this idea of economic stability, this false sense of security is just a another way of keeping our people oppressed. Indian gaming is run by a bunch of rich white men that pump million of dollars into campaign funds of these politicians in favor of passing policy on our people in order to further exploit us into oblivion. Any Indian that thinks these greedy bastards are trying to help us become 'economically self sufficient' is just a product of internalized oppression, they distrust the white man until he comes waving money in their faces. But anyways, Nicole is running again in 2012, this time we will gain ballot status, and our campaign will be very aggressive, we will continue to strive to be a party where the Ojibwe will re-awake and take back our pride from these insensitive racists disenfranchising the Ojibwe people for far too long. As of now, I have nothing but disappoint reserved for 98% of our people, too many give in to their internalized oppression, they refuse to take accountability for themselves constantly, yeah they can go around blaming everything on a white man, but then they'll go out and vote for the sons of bitch.

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