Monday, November 29, 2010

Legacy of shame.

When I speak of the conditions of my people, I'm not trying to paint a picture of these poor victims of circumstance, no. I'm trying to pose a question to initiate the arousal of the spirit of our ancestors in hopes those spirits may provoke my people to reclaim our integrity and pride that most have abandoned due to the burden of the struggles we have endured which have become very heavy. Some of our people were strong, courageous, valiant people that overcame impossible odds, and today most of us are nothing like those people. Today we have given up too many important things that connected us to that essence our ancestors drew strength upon, we dug deep to sacrifice these virtues for shallow replacements of materialistic value. We have allowed our humanity to be devalued at the expense of our simple right to thrive in the land of our forefathers. When I speak of our ancestors, I am speaking of my pre-Columbus ancestors, not the de-evolved assimilated, alcoholic savages that murdered one another in hopes to gain the white man's approval. Those 'Indians' are still here in overwhelming numbers today, and that is nothing to be proud of for they have earned the right to let the white man treat them as animals. Despite those strong, courageous, valiant ones some of us descended from, that knew better when the white man landed here of the importance of our tribal bond and held onto that with their dying breath. There was also those treacherous, selfish, greedy Indians that ensured their self preservation at the expense of their fellowman. I'm just pointing out the facts that not all of us have a story of survival to pride in their heritage, because it's pretty obvious that a lot of our people today could care less about their fellowman's hardships. I believe these Indians have inherited their right to be insensitive, shiftless, and unenthusiastic about our survival. Those that take pleasure in the struggles of their fellowman will also reap the benefits of our conviction. I doubt they'll appreciate it, but maybe their children will and break that shameful cycle of self preservation.

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