Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can you blame them?

I don't blame others for sometimes not feeling remorse, sympathy, or compassion for the conditions my people make themselves vulnerable to. Whether or not if people benefit from or justify their racism by our internalized oppressive behavior or not. Yes, most white people encourage this behavior. But I resent the shiftless ignorance of my people as well; most of my people enable or encourage these situations upon ourselves. They go out and vote for corrupt, incompetent leadership to mislead our people, as well as they also go out and vote for the same racist white politicians that work hand in hand with these corrupt tribal leaders that allow the degradation and exploitation of our people to occur. Most of my people haven't any genuine desire or passion to correct any social declinations eroding our integrity or humanity. We allow racist ignorance of the white man to be justified by the ignorance we subject ourselves to.
There are very few of us who utilize what little opportunities we struggle to create for ourselves effectively, most only look for opportunities to take advantage of situations for selfish gain rather than instituting a routine of social change and mending the shared injuries our community sustained due to racism. I'd be pissed off as well at whiny assholes that blame me for everything then go about putting more energy in self pity rather than putting effort forth in repairing the image we created for ourselves by letting systematic institutionalized racism ravage our dignity. Why should we expect the white man to take accountability for the ignorance they somehow find comfort in when we can't even take accountability of our own internalized oppression? Acknowledging it and doing something to correct those flaws internalized oppression reduces our people to are two different things entirely. Some can acknowledge and own their internalized oppression and just obnoxiously accept it and impose that ineffective behavior on any and all unfortunate enough to be in audience of their self induced predicament. To be frankly honest, I'm probably more disgusted with most my people then any racist white man, but not out of unwarranted ignorance, but out of validity of the shame and disappointment for the reality of the stereotypical behavior most of us allow ourselves to feed into and just be ignorantly okay about it.
At least I put my energy into confronting my people on their ignorant behaviors, that’s the least I can do as an Anishinaabe. Least I'm not shiftlessly sitting around complaining, blaming my problems on everybody else trying to innovate excuses to why they can't stand up for themselves against oppression of any form. I'm utilizing my energy to try and provoke my people to get off their asses and stand up for themselves; I want to help bring out the best in my people. I’m pretty sure we aren’t going to improve our living conditions if there’s only a few of us willing to put effort forth in doing so. I'm tired of watching my people take comfort in oppression whether it be internal or external. Just as white people guard their guilt, our people guard their shame, both of them try to justify their shame and guilt through ignorance. A majority of people in general, red or white are unwilling to step up and take accountability for themselves, because its easier for them to just go around blaming each other. The white people ain't going to fix anything for us Indians, and I don't blame them because most of my people don't even want to help themselves let alone our people. Regardless, I have been lent the strength to push my people to their feet. Aho

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