Thursday, December 9, 2010

Treading water in the shallow end

Most are too close minded and shallow to fathom the depths of the big picture, so I do not enjoy the company of many people these days. I take comfort in my solitude or focusing on my family rather than struggling to open the eyes of my so-called people. I refuse to take comfort in false friend or kinship's that hold no common ground for understanding. Today I have no words to share with the ignorant, the shiftless, nor the self adsorbed, overindulgent individuals that insist on being unenthusiastic, or unrealistic of ever bringing about positive change to our people. No, I'm not giving up, just disgusted at the moment. I have realized some of my people do not deserve anything better then the disparities they knowingly make themselves vulnerable to in ravaging their chances at prosperity. So I look to their children and mine to give me back hope to find the strength to struggle forward. So perhaps one day they'll have the integrity and ethics to rise above the internalized oppression their parents somehow find comfort in, and that goes for the slobs to the pretentious, pompous, know-it-alls.
One day I will regain my composure, I will reassert myself into the struggles that are constantly mishandled by the inept warriors that think their self centered faulty courage somehow compensates for their inequities in battling the various injustices consuming our communities. Disappointment can be very overwhelming if you put too much trust in people you think won't let you down. So one day I hope to have the ability to look beyond those in the way of our children happiness and prosperity, for most care not to bestow their children a chance of a better tomorrow. Someone must take back our future from those that are throwing it away; someone must hold those accountable for misleading others down the wrong paths. I'm not too impressed with but a few people’s opinions these days, because in my opinion, most people have no right to speak on matters that they care not to be realistic about let alone genuinely concerned of. It’s rather difficult to maintain faith and optimism for superficial pessimistic people that find comfort in their doubt, but I'll have to make due and work with what we got.

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