Friday, December 3, 2010

Yon can not justify racism.

I was rather disgusted the other night when I viewed a link to Craig’s List Bemidji Rant & Rave forum. Where the epitome of callous racism shared by the White people on the forum that was rather disturbingly reassuring, reassuring to the conclusions of the racism here, We, the Warriors for Justice, the political war party have effectively identified are valid. There is very little to deny the fact of its obvious presence here devaluing the quality of life of those that are subjected to this racism, to those that partake in the racism. The constant complaining about welfare collecting natives was rather off-putting. Racists act as if they don't encourage our unemployment rate with their discrimination in their hiring practices. It’s a fact that Affirmative Action doesn't exist here in Bemidji, 98% of these businesses are filled with white faces when probably 50% of the money these businesses generate comes from the Indian dollar.
I know well of this discrimination first hand, I have been treated rather poorly at job sites in attempts to discourage me from continuing to show up to work. The disgustingly, uncivilized racists seem to enjoy operating on this obnoxious sense of ignorant entitlement. I know all white people are not intentionally racist, yet most are very vulnerable to the inherent racism that systematic institutionalized racism has exposed them to. Most are very unaware of it because it is very integrated into life here in Bemidji, but some acknowledge it and operate within this racism to ensure that their oppressive hold on our matters doesn't weaken. They sit there and blame us for the emasculation they forced upon us, yet they will not take accountability for their attitude of white privilege.
White people are afforded opportunities that Indian people will never enjoy, because society obligates them these opportunities. So when they see an Indian that’s 'well off' despite their efforts to condemn us to poverty, it probably angers them. All of these racist white people need to educate themselves; some will remain stubbornly ignorant regardless, until they die. They expose their children and indoctrinate them into carrying on this obsolete way of thinking, which is very sad because eventually we Indians will overcome this oppression they find comfort in. Then who are they going to blame their taxes on? We pay taxes as well, every time we spend money in this racist town, some of us live here and pay taxes regardless. That still doesn't entitle me as a tax payer to try and ridicule less fortunate individuals that suffer from the rigors of internalized oppression brought on by systematic institutionalized racism.
So yeah, I get pissed too when I notice one of these racist bastards trying to put his foot on my neck, I understand he’s doing it out of habit, but that shits getting old. Oh, but now he wants to blame our discomfort he causes us, on us? That’s one of the most stupid things I ever heard of. One thing’s for sure, His kids won't be successful in trying to step on my kids necks because my kids are going to be too dignified to allow that to happen anyways, regardless of their obnoxious racism they've been taught by their ignorant redneck parents. Stand up already! when are the rest of you going to get tired of sitting in the white mans shit and trying to throw it at each other!

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