Monday, December 13, 2010

Even for YOU!

For those too overwhelmed by grief, sorrow and dispair to stand for themselves. For those too buredened by shame, guilt and resentment that can't afford solidarity for their fellowman. For those too disconnected by their arrogance, self gratification and narcissism we struggle forward despite their pompus shiftless attitudes devaluing our struggles. For those accustomed and too weakened to withstand the relentless oppression robbing their quality of life. For those that cannot take accountability for their humility, treachery, and envy. For those too unstable, neglected and ignored. For those cowards that take comfort in the oppression forced upon them that can't afford the courage to support us warriors fighting to free them from the bondages of injustice. For those too divided and conquered. For those too greedy and colonized. For those too self asorbed and assimilated. For those too uneducated and ignorant. For those too immature and full of deceit. For all my people I fight for, I love you all, because I to have been these things I spoke of at one time, I to have been awakened by truth and the strenghth of my fellowman, I too have realized the value of the strength bestowed upon those of us fortunate enough to be one of the people. There is strength in our teachings and way of life, it is our responsibilty to rekindle that fire in our hearts and share our strength with the world. That is our responsibility as Anishinaabeg. We must prove the worth of our humanity to the world to regain the respect of our equals, we must allow ourselves the chance to share our teachings to open their eyes, but first we must re-learn how to honor our teachings, re-learn how to serve others through those teachings instead of trying to serve ourselves through them. I'v attended many ceremonies that were conducted in vain, for the spirits have little to no reason to rejoice in our people. Not many will take accountabilty for the disapprovial and disappointment we have as a tribe allowed ourselves to spiral into. We are quick to blame one another for the faults we allow to burden our reputations as Anishinaabeg. It is time we go back and fix the things we've abandoned before we can move forward into prosparity in unity. We must come together and aid one another, we must all wake up from this nightmare our ancestors fought from consuming us, at least now before it consumes our children.

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