Friday, December 24, 2010

Understanding stupidity.

I get very disappointed when others let me down by taking comfort in ignorance. I put high expectations in those I feel have earned my recognition for their apparent intelligence, but sometimes intelligence is a poor substitute for common sense. We all have the ability to see past our own confirmation bias, but some just deny themselves the opportunity to see the complete depths or the entire picture of the truths. They only want to acknowledge enough of the truth that allows them the comfort they require for a lazy, half hearted option. Some even give themselves a false sense of faith in religious ideals that prevents themselves from ever seeing past the beliefs they gave into that prevent them from ever seeing beyond the boarders to the religion they subscribe. But there is no excuse for ignorance, those that are not willing to see past the obvious ignorance they give themselves barrier to should not be people we entrust to help bring solutions to the problems we endure do to ignorance. That's redundant. People that pride their opinion as some sort of pinnacle of enlightenment better be someone that doesn't allow that opinion to get snagged on ignorance. When someone starts pretentiously pontificating their obsolete ideals deluded in ignorance on me, that's when I forfeit my reservations of solidarity with that person, at least until they make a honest attempt to see past that ignorance that they have allowed to devalue their opinion in my eyes. I'm not affording myself judgment of these peoples conduct of character, but the obnoxiousness of ignorance is rather obvious when someones is trying to burp it all over ideals you have let the entire world influence. And I will not commend these people for their lack of virtue. Besides, when we let go of that ignorance some of us stubbornly hold on to, we gain more then we had when we find the courage to look past that ignorance.

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