Friday, September 10, 2010

Confidential cowards with control issues.

As others try and claim their fame to the plights of our people, I take strength in knowing these shallow self-centered opportunists will falter in the face of anything of significance that confronts their weak wills. Our people have pushed back from the brink of extinction only to let these overrated, over privileged, over indulgent superficial individuals polluting our community squander the opportunities our ancestors struggled to gift us with. These people either exploit our struggles or undermined the critical aspects of the problems directly interfering with our ability to strive or even survive in today's world being Anishinaabe. These people demonize the strength of others out of jealousy or envy, these people talk behind backs in the company of other cowards because collectively they still lack the courage to express their childishly treacherous feelings to those they feel threatened by. These people let jealousy and envy become their best qualities, others that let jealousy control their lives admire these people that live their lives by the energy their jealousy generates for their hateful ways. These people are too arrogantly oblivious to notice the immaturity of their ignorance, they blame others for anything they can get away with in order to avoid taking accountability for their weaknesses they confuse and pride as strengths. Do these people deserve to be enlightened? Or do they deserve to wallow in the humility they constantly try to escape by being exposed by those of us that are keen to their corrupted ways? Because some times I think I was put on this earth for the sole purpose of confronting these false individuals that are making a sham of any and everything of importance they try to control through manipulation. Do not take my confidences as arrogance, for I myself can be very pitiful as well. I am reminded daily of my humility as equally as I am reminded of my strength and ability to be the Anishinaabe I was meant to be, and I am willing to admit that I can be a better Anishinaabe then I was that previous day every morning I wake up to put out my tobacco. But my relationship with my spirituality is a bit more advanced then these fools that delude themselves with selfish childish ignorant arrogance, they create this false persona of enlightenment in order to manipulate others into encouraging them to put their energy into their corrupted opinions and theories that are based on their self serving biases. Our children deserve for these people to snap out of their ignorant stupor, it is ALL our responsibility as Anishinaabeg to provide them with the opportunity to be the best Anishinaabe they can be. People need to quit trying to commercialize our struggles and brand them with their egos, being an Anishinaabe man, it is my responsibility to to hold those accountable openly refusing to live in accordance with the our teachings these people use to serve themselves instead of serving our people through them.

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