Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The return of Zagaswediiwin (pipe council)

What is it going to take to get Ojibwes back into perspective? We all rely too much in the comfort of mainstream society that we've forgotten how to rely in our teachings to help us survive. Is it going to have to take a catastrophic event to stagger us back on track? Is it going to have to take some natural disaster to force us to acknowledge our instincts once again? We have allowed ourselves to be led a stray, we elect leaders that have no sense of direction and nobody intervenes. Nobody does an effective job of protesting the mistakes our people make by allowing these elected leaders to deceive us. They lead us with no honor or respect for the struggle and sacrifice of our ancestors. We have fallen into the habit of taking everything for granted just like our white oppressors. We have taken on their corrupted ideals that have been putting everything they touch at risk or turmoil since they began their invasion 500 years ago. They never defeated us Ojibwes, yet we are treated as if we own the white man our lives. The white man acts as if we allowed them to discretely make laws to imprison us to their oppression. They act as if we didn't force them to make treaties with us under our terms, now they want to act as if they do not need to honor these treaties that allow us to govern ourselves within our ceded territories. Northern Minnesota should be entirely under governance of Ojibwe people. After all, we did retain rights to the lands we opened up for the white man to settle upon. The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe should be able to train and provide our people with a popular army of volunteers to secure our resources and protect our people. We could call them the pillager units, named after the elite band of Ojibwes that led out the offense in most of our conflicts here in Minnesota. We need recognition within the United Nations, we need delegates to ensure that our interests are of equal concern as other nations across the world that the United States has made treaties with. The white men of Minnesota have forgotten how to appreciate their Ojibwe brothers, they imprisoned each and every one of our citizen to their systematic institutionalized racist society. We are constantly subjugated to their insensitive oppression, we are constantly neglected, mistreated, and abused in the name of the manifest destiny that our ancestors fought and prevented from rubbing out our way of life. This is Ojibwe country, not Norway, Sweden or Germany. When did our guests take it upon themselves to start making all the decisions around here? They are our guests, we taught them how to live here, we allowed them to live here. If they continued to keep trying to defeat the Ojibwe, I believe the Indian wars would have not ended the way it did. We are valiant cunning Warriors when pushed to conflict, every enemy we have ever had has come to know this first hand. This is why we must throw off the chains of this IRA government smothering our integrity, we must return to the pipe councils that bound our ancestors hearts together. We must revive our warrior society to protect our people and communities, we must follow leaders that are connected to the hearts of the people. We will return to these ways again someday, but first we must endure conflict once again. There is a civil war wagging in the hearts of our people, The mental warfare of the white man's "divide and conquer" scenario has been integrated into our communities. This is why we need our warriors, to stand up once again and protect what is so precious to us, our children. So we may renew our way of life within them, to give them the direction we have struggled so hard to hold on to before it vanishes.

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