Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gifts of Strength

There seems to be an abundance of educated ignorant people running round preventing any chance of constructive change from occurring within our communities. These individuals like to assume positions of power in order to take advantage of whatever it is that they might see as an opportunity to exploit matters to their benefit. They like to undermine anybody that threatens or challenges their pretentious ideals that routinely victimizes and neglects whomever is unfortunate to be involved in the matters of where their self centered interests lies. They invest their self centered energies in manipulating whomever is weak enough not to withstand their treachery, my elders tell me to pity these people. But these people invoke anger within me that I can not contain for they are directly interfering with the change I see needs to happen for my children to live happy productive lives. Why should I waste pity on these people that seek reward from our oppressors for their ability to assimilate themselves into the systematic institutionalized racism degrading the quality of life for my people and myself? These people pose just equally as a threat as those that hand down the oppression we are all forced to endure, these people make themselves guardians of the structural racism they have come to find comfort in. We need support from the right kind of people, with the right reasons that share the interests in the change we seek for the future of our people. Its very frustrating when those we stood up for refuse to validate or give recognition for our strength and courage to stand up to challenge our oppressors, it means the world to us when someone goes out of their way to provide us with their approval of what we're doing. It inspires the motivation we need to continue our struggle to find justice for those too emasculated to stand up for themselves, yet some of these emasculated people some how find the energy to criticize us for our ability to stand. We want to inspire strength, not envy to bring out the best in our people, we want to motivate them to at least try to see beyond the oppression that consumes so many of us. Most of us haven't had the opportunity to be desensitized by an over privileged lifestyle that disconnects these arrogant individuals from the disparities of their people. They take on our oppressors ignorance to justify their ineptness and inability to find solidarity for the struggles most of us endure, they to succumb to frustration as well and cease trying to find understanding with their people. Internalized oppression is ravaging our people and communities, we need to start speaking to the young one to inspire real change. They in turn might be the ones who get through to their parents that suffer trying to tolerate their internalized oppression, pain and suffering has been a way of life for our people for far too long. That glimmer of hope we think we see in our people gives us the strength to stand, because just maybe one day when we're charging into one of the many battles we take on, just maybe our people might be charging in as well. That is when we will all never allow ourselves to be defeated ever again. Our ancestors were fierce protectors of our ways that allowed us to care for our children, we need to be those warriors once again.

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