Friday, September 17, 2010

The Wrong Savage

Tolerating all these fake, internally oppressed, sit around the fort indians is very difficult some days. They're constantly trying to misrepresent all indians at large by making themselves available to our oppressors to allow them to romanticize us by their superficial, submissive, docile, domesticated, roll over mannerism. Constantly compromising the standards of our integrity to fit into the white man's ideals of being these civilized indians worthy of the over privileged, overindulgent white mans racist approval. These indians disgust me, they go out of their way to discredit the significance of the struggles we take up to defend our people and way of life, they treat the grounds of our plights like some sort of playground for them to frolic about in as those of us that are aware suffer constant turmoil and despair that they somehow find the nerve to disregarded and belittle. These indians are more of an obstacle to our struggle then those directly responsible for our oppression that encourages their behaviors, why? Because there so damn many of them polluting our community, if your confused by who I'm referring to when I speak of these treacherous people. Then let me put it in a little more of a simpler form for you to comprehend, I'm talking to you that looks at all our problems as a means to take advantage of whatever may be to your self centered favor. So if you look at me or the people I involve myself with as an opportunity for you to try and gain some status or try to manipulate our strengths to justify your selfish agendas, then your making a grave mistake by targeting this savage. I promise you that you will not appreciate the outcome of your foolish notion that I would allow you to take advantage of issues that are pertinent to the future of our people. You got your priorities pretty fucked up for allowing your stupidity to lead you down that road with me, you better turn your ass around and go stand amongst your white handlers trying to look down upon me and my people. I know when we refuse to let these indians even get close enough to try and take advantage of us, they become very resentful. Groveling at the white mans feet is no way to live, I don't care if your oblivious of your pathetic bullshit or not, that's not acceptable. I'm rather fed up with these people that act as if their unaware their making themselves our opposition by obliviously re-enforcing the systematic institutionalized racism they have cowardly assimilated themselves into. I'm sick of these blatantly ignorant, stupid ass indians trying to stand in our way of defeating our oppressors, sick of all these chicken shit cowards that try to advert their attention from the conflict that directly involves their interests as well. Then these cowards somehow find he nerve to try and complain about the oppression they either protect or condone by their ignorance or fear. Well I'll tell these cowardice, treacherous traitors of our people one thing, They don't have what it takes to try to stand in the way of this savage, so they better get their little pussy asses out of my way. I reserve no mercy for these cowards, they will not know any pity from this savage, so go ahead a cringe as you try to act as if your not aware your standing in my warpath. I promise you that you will know the wraith of the righteous if you insist on provoking justice upon your heads, you will come to know you have fucked with the wrong savage.

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