Friday, December 24, 2010

Understanding stupidity.

I get very disappointed when others let me down by taking comfort in ignorance. I put high expectations in those I feel have earned my recognition for their apparent intelligence, but sometimes intelligence is a poor substitute for common sense. We all have the ability to see past our own confirmation bias, but some just deny themselves the opportunity to see the complete depths or the entire picture of the truths. They only want to acknowledge enough of the truth that allows them the comfort they require for a lazy, half hearted option. Some even give themselves a false sense of faith in religious ideals that prevents themselves from ever seeing past the beliefs they gave into that prevent them from ever seeing beyond the boarders to the religion they subscribe. But there is no excuse for ignorance, those that are not willing to see past the obvious ignorance they give themselves barrier to should not be people we entrust to help bring solutions to the problems we endure do to ignorance. That's redundant. People that pride their opinion as some sort of pinnacle of enlightenment better be someone that doesn't allow that opinion to get snagged on ignorance. When someone starts pretentiously pontificating their obsolete ideals deluded in ignorance on me, that's when I forfeit my reservations of solidarity with that person, at least until they make a honest attempt to see past that ignorance that they have allowed to devalue their opinion in my eyes. I'm not affording myself judgment of these peoples conduct of character, but the obnoxiousness of ignorance is rather obvious when someones is trying to burp it all over ideals you have let the entire world influence. And I will not commend these people for their lack of virtue. Besides, when we let go of that ignorance some of us stubbornly hold on to, we gain more then we had when we find the courage to look past that ignorance.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Fascist pigs

The ethically, morally and spiritually bankrupt gather around one another with their hats cocked, plotting on how to exploit the oppressed and the vulnerable in order to gain capital that they believe will fill the void they created for themselves by abandoning everything that might have help them to be constructive members to society. These men belong to organizations whose main intent is greed and over-indulgent, self-glorification. They try and promote this image of victims of society, boosting their ability to withhold vital information from the authorities because their superficial existence depends on their reclusive nature. Which they hypocritically contradict by brandishing their lifestyles for all to bare witness for with their blatant attire and their obnoxious disregard of any and all aspects of culture and heritage that holds value beyond their shallow comprehension, they completely ignore all virtues that might interfere with their capitalist aspirations to control the impoverished community they have targeted to victimize to their disposal. These men glorify a code of silence which they constantly violate in order to sustain their selfish endeavors. They belittle the integrity and dignity of all that don't subscribe to their ignorant ideals with their invalid perspectives in order to make way for their greedy, villainous self serving agendas towards anything good that might be unfortunate enough to be in the way of these selfish mens goals to become rich off the downtrodden they see weak enough for them to assert themselves over. These men disgust me, and I've done my own ground work to try and understand their mentality, and the only thing I have concluded is that these men are just as greedy, oppressive, corrupt as any other fascist pig anywhere else on the planet. And that goes for anyone else that utilizes inconsiderate, insensitive, ignorant aspects of their inadequate capitalist mindset to exploit the disparities of others for their benefit towards self gratification and self promoting. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows better then to buy into these obtuse individuals bullshit, to bad common sense is a very scarce commodity most have compromised away for their own superficial flaws. Instead of their 'stop snitchin' campaign, we should start a 'stop fascism' campaign to counter the ignorance they encourage to stifle justice and prosperity.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Whats really contributing to the quality of life here in Bemidji?

Quality of life has been poor for many in this city for a long time regardless of bar closing. If the city didn’t rely so much on liquor taxes and criminal fines to fund insensitive systematic institutionalized racism and focus more on the disparities that encourage such superficial predicaments, we’d have a lot less of the scenario of internalized oppression that encourages criminal activity, or the false sense of racial superiority complexes contributing to racial tensions here in a community where poverty and oppression are treated with such racist disregard. Discrimination and racism would be less of a predominant factor in the society of Bemidji if accountability was valued more than the ignorant blame that divides this city where racism has been discretely conditioned into the mentality of its citizens. If people put more effort into educating themselves rather than trying to find comfort in ignorance I believe we’d have a balanced society here. Most that acknowledge, partake, and encourage racism here more than likely inherited wealth and opportunity off the exploitation of stolen lands and resources, or the mistreatment of Native people. They should then also inherit the accountability of the injustices we endured and are still enduring to this day by the racism most entrust their livelihoods to. We’re all at fault here, even the oppressed that allow stereotypical behavior to devalue their own quality of lives need to put their energies into preventing this racism from overwhelming their livelihoods. This shouldn’t be a matter of entitlement where the discriminated and oppressed feel obligated to the emasculating entitlement programs or for the over privileged who feel as if their more of a priority in the workforce. People that are racially denied opportunities are prone to poverty, despair and hopelessness. We should all concern ourselves of the suicide rate plaguing our county rather than pushing it into obscurity for such an over exaggerated situation. How much more of the Native youth must we sacrifice for the comfort of the over privileged few that give themselves say on public matters? This leaves those of us that are acute to these predicaments to formulate a conclusion that the county/ city officials and figureheads of the area see more revenue generated through disparities rather than solutions. I’m getting rather tired of using the word racism as well, but I’m getting more tired of seeing it protected and denied when it’s so obvious.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Even for YOU!

For those too overwhelmed by grief, sorrow and dispair to stand for themselves. For those too buredened by shame, guilt and resentment that can't afford solidarity for their fellowman. For those too disconnected by their arrogance, self gratification and narcissism we struggle forward despite their pompus shiftless attitudes devaluing our struggles. For those accustomed and too weakened to withstand the relentless oppression robbing their quality of life. For those that cannot take accountability for their humility, treachery, and envy. For those too unstable, neglected and ignored. For those cowards that take comfort in the oppression forced upon them that can't afford the courage to support us warriors fighting to free them from the bondages of injustice. For those too divided and conquered. For those too greedy and colonized. For those too self asorbed and assimilated. For those too uneducated and ignorant. For those too immature and full of deceit. For all my people I fight for, I love you all, because I to have been these things I spoke of at one time, I to have been awakened by truth and the strenghth of my fellowman, I too have realized the value of the strength bestowed upon those of us fortunate enough to be one of the people. There is strength in our teachings and way of life, it is our responsibilty to rekindle that fire in our hearts and share our strength with the world. That is our responsibility as Anishinaabeg. We must prove the worth of our humanity to the world to regain the respect of our equals, we must allow ourselves the chance to share our teachings to open their eyes, but first we must re-learn how to honor our teachings, re-learn how to serve others through those teachings instead of trying to serve ourselves through them. I'v attended many ceremonies that were conducted in vain, for the spirits have little to no reason to rejoice in our people. Not many will take accountabilty for the disapprovial and disappointment we have as a tribe allowed ourselves to spiral into. We are quick to blame one another for the faults we allow to burden our reputations as Anishinaabeg. It is time we go back and fix the things we've abandoned before we can move forward into prosparity in unity. We must come together and aid one another, we must all wake up from this nightmare our ancestors fought from consuming us, at least now before it consumes our children.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Treading water in the shallow end

Most are too close minded and shallow to fathom the depths of the big picture, so I do not enjoy the company of many people these days. I take comfort in my solitude or focusing on my family rather than struggling to open the eyes of my so-called people. I refuse to take comfort in false friend or kinship's that hold no common ground for understanding. Today I have no words to share with the ignorant, the shiftless, nor the self adsorbed, overindulgent individuals that insist on being unenthusiastic, or unrealistic of ever bringing about positive change to our people. No, I'm not giving up, just disgusted at the moment. I have realized some of my people do not deserve anything better then the disparities they knowingly make themselves vulnerable to in ravaging their chances at prosperity. So I look to their children and mine to give me back hope to find the strength to struggle forward. So perhaps one day they'll have the integrity and ethics to rise above the internalized oppression their parents somehow find comfort in, and that goes for the slobs to the pretentious, pompous, know-it-alls.
One day I will regain my composure, I will reassert myself into the struggles that are constantly mishandled by the inept warriors that think their self centered faulty courage somehow compensates for their inequities in battling the various injustices consuming our communities. Disappointment can be very overwhelming if you put too much trust in people you think won't let you down. So one day I hope to have the ability to look beyond those in the way of our children happiness and prosperity, for most care not to bestow their children a chance of a better tomorrow. Someone must take back our future from those that are throwing it away; someone must hold those accountable for misleading others down the wrong paths. I'm not too impressed with but a few people’s opinions these days, because in my opinion, most people have no right to speak on matters that they care not to be realistic about let alone genuinely concerned of. It’s rather difficult to maintain faith and optimism for superficial pessimistic people that find comfort in their doubt, but I'll have to make due and work with what we got.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Yon can not justify racism.

I was rather disgusted the other night when I viewed a link to Craig’s List Bemidji Rant & Rave forum. Where the epitome of callous racism shared by the White people on the forum that was rather disturbingly reassuring, reassuring to the conclusions of the racism here, We, the Warriors for Justice, the political war party have effectively identified are valid. There is very little to deny the fact of its obvious presence here devaluing the quality of life of those that are subjected to this racism, to those that partake in the racism. The constant complaining about welfare collecting natives was rather off-putting. Racists act as if they don't encourage our unemployment rate with their discrimination in their hiring practices. It’s a fact that Affirmative Action doesn't exist here in Bemidji, 98% of these businesses are filled with white faces when probably 50% of the money these businesses generate comes from the Indian dollar.
I know well of this discrimination first hand, I have been treated rather poorly at job sites in attempts to discourage me from continuing to show up to work. The disgustingly, uncivilized racists seem to enjoy operating on this obnoxious sense of ignorant entitlement. I know all white people are not intentionally racist, yet most are very vulnerable to the inherent racism that systematic institutionalized racism has exposed them to. Most are very unaware of it because it is very integrated into life here in Bemidji, but some acknowledge it and operate within this racism to ensure that their oppressive hold on our matters doesn't weaken. They sit there and blame us for the emasculation they forced upon us, yet they will not take accountability for their attitude of white privilege.
White people are afforded opportunities that Indian people will never enjoy, because society obligates them these opportunities. So when they see an Indian that’s 'well off' despite their efforts to condemn us to poverty, it probably angers them. All of these racist white people need to educate themselves; some will remain stubbornly ignorant regardless, until they die. They expose their children and indoctrinate them into carrying on this obsolete way of thinking, which is very sad because eventually we Indians will overcome this oppression they find comfort in. Then who are they going to blame their taxes on? We pay taxes as well, every time we spend money in this racist town, some of us live here and pay taxes regardless. That still doesn't entitle me as a tax payer to try and ridicule less fortunate individuals that suffer from the rigors of internalized oppression brought on by systematic institutionalized racism.
So yeah, I get pissed too when I notice one of these racist bastards trying to put his foot on my neck, I understand he’s doing it out of habit, but that shits getting old. Oh, but now he wants to blame our discomfort he causes us, on us? That’s one of the most stupid things I ever heard of. One thing’s for sure, His kids won't be successful in trying to step on my kids necks because my kids are going to be too dignified to allow that to happen anyways, regardless of their obnoxious racism they've been taught by their ignorant redneck parents. Stand up already! when are the rest of you going to get tired of sitting in the white mans shit and trying to throw it at each other!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can you blame them?

I don't blame others for sometimes not feeling remorse, sympathy, or compassion for the conditions my people make themselves vulnerable to. Whether or not if people benefit from or justify their racism by our internalized oppressive behavior or not. Yes, most white people encourage this behavior. But I resent the shiftless ignorance of my people as well; most of my people enable or encourage these situations upon ourselves. They go out and vote for corrupt, incompetent leadership to mislead our people, as well as they also go out and vote for the same racist white politicians that work hand in hand with these corrupt tribal leaders that allow the degradation and exploitation of our people to occur. Most of my people haven't any genuine desire or passion to correct any social declinations eroding our integrity or humanity. We allow racist ignorance of the white man to be justified by the ignorance we subject ourselves to.
There are very few of us who utilize what little opportunities we struggle to create for ourselves effectively, most only look for opportunities to take advantage of situations for selfish gain rather than instituting a routine of social change and mending the shared injuries our community sustained due to racism. I'd be pissed off as well at whiny assholes that blame me for everything then go about putting more energy in self pity rather than putting effort forth in repairing the image we created for ourselves by letting systematic institutionalized racism ravage our dignity. Why should we expect the white man to take accountability for the ignorance they somehow find comfort in when we can't even take accountability of our own internalized oppression? Acknowledging it and doing something to correct those flaws internalized oppression reduces our people to are two different things entirely. Some can acknowledge and own their internalized oppression and just obnoxiously accept it and impose that ineffective behavior on any and all unfortunate enough to be in audience of their self induced predicament. To be frankly honest, I'm probably more disgusted with most my people then any racist white man, but not out of unwarranted ignorance, but out of validity of the shame and disappointment for the reality of the stereotypical behavior most of us allow ourselves to feed into and just be ignorantly okay about it.
At least I put my energy into confronting my people on their ignorant behaviors, that’s the least I can do as an Anishinaabe. Least I'm not shiftlessly sitting around complaining, blaming my problems on everybody else trying to innovate excuses to why they can't stand up for themselves against oppression of any form. I'm utilizing my energy to try and provoke my people to get off their asses and stand up for themselves; I want to help bring out the best in my people. I’m pretty sure we aren’t going to improve our living conditions if there’s only a few of us willing to put effort forth in doing so. I'm tired of watching my people take comfort in oppression whether it be internal or external. Just as white people guard their guilt, our people guard their shame, both of them try to justify their shame and guilt through ignorance. A majority of people in general, red or white are unwilling to step up and take accountability for themselves, because its easier for them to just go around blaming each other. The white people ain't going to fix anything for us Indians, and I don't blame them because most of my people don't even want to help themselves let alone our people. Regardless, I have been lent the strength to push my people to their feet. Aho