Wednesday, May 12, 2010

1855 anishinaabe treaties for 2010 indians

I am a direct descendant of the survivors of the American holocaust, the strongest of the strong, war, disease, boarding schools nor commodities didn't stop my people. My father, one of the last full blood Ojibwe taught me of who I was. My mother, a half breed taught me to be proud of who I am. But my spirit taught how to live free like ancestors once did, but that got me taken away from my parents and shipped off the correctional facilities where I was to be broken of my 'savage,' rebellious ways as one judge put it. But in there I watched and learned these men that were to 'rehabilitate' me and indoctrinate me into being a 'good indian,' but they only taught me of how pathetic the white man could be, yet I became brothers with whites boys, Mexican boys and black boys that we're subjected to the same 'rehabilitation' we all were subjected to. Although the white boys were treated better, we all missed our families equally, and we became family for each other, after I left those places, I stayed in touch with a lot of my brothers. I still wonder how they are, even more then I wonder about my Dad's half white kids that hate my family because we are just indians to them. My Mothers half white, but that's because her mom was raped by a white man, and she was raised amongst our people. My brother and sister were taken away from my dad by their white mom and were taught how to be white and hate my father. I loved my dad, he was the best indian I ever knew, I miss him everyday, my dad taught me our ways, but he took me to church, he brought me to confession for my sins, yet he brought me to Jimmy Jackson for direction. He gave me both ways so I could choose the strong way, which were the ways Jimmy Jackson gave me. My dad taught me how to hunt, I grew up watching my dad hunt, we only ate what we could kill most of the time, but besides being a good hunter, my dad was a good school teacher, he taught English at the Red Lake High School. My mom is also a teacher, she teaches Ojibwe at the Bugonaygiishig School. When I was young I wanted to be a teacher as well, but Kichi Manido gave me a different path, he gave me a spirit that questioned everything and that could do anything. When I was 16 I brang back a Warrior Society to my community with my friend John, we got tired of seeing our young warriors being mislead by gangs, we wanted them to be proud of our people and community again. We went out and spread our teachings to all that would hear them, all the young men at the time were listening and vowing their energy to the protection of our people and our way of life. Yet there were those that were threatened by our message we were bringing back from our ancestors to protect our community, and I fought with these 'gangbangers.' These gangbangers are our own people. They learned how to hurt and exploit our communities from these gang teachings they we're bringing into our community, and we were showing our young men how to resist these people that were bringing this sickness into our community. That angered these men I was fighting, they killed me one night after a pow wow, but some white men brought me back to life in a helicopter, they took me to the hospital, they fixed me up and put metal parts in me, they hurt when its cold. I wonder if the spirits see them in me when I'm in the lodge. But after they killed me, the word stayed that I was dead, I went into hiding, rebuilding myself, making myself stronger, learning these men that killed me, teaching myself how to forgive these men, teaching myself how to help them quit being sick. Today they claim my homelands as their territory, our tribal leaders gave them access to our community, now these men hold my community hostage with their drugs and violence. While these men are ravaging my community my people are scurrying about worrying about our treaty rights. My dad told me, even without these treaties, we are still Anishinaabe, and these treaties meant little to the indians as well as the white man. Now their making a spectacle of our inherent right to our ancestral lands, why? Because they want to be viewed as real anishinaabe. As if standing in front of these treaties are going to make us any more indian then we where last year when those treaties didn't mean nothing to either of these people, now here we are threatening our white brothers that we're going to be Indian. Why? because our tribal leaders have allowed this to turn into a fiasco because they have dollars signs in their eyes, they are going to sell our rights away to the state right in front of all of us if we let them. We! That most of us are guilty of putting these crooks, liars and thieves into office. We! who have put these people in charge of the future of our children. Our enemy isn't the white man, DNR, or the State of Minnesota, its these tribal leaders that have been allowing us to be victimized by these violations of not only our treaties, but also our humanity. They have been selling our people away where ever they can, so as we sit here bickering about treaty rights and allowing ourselves to be distracted from the real source of this problems we have made for ourselves, our community suffers, our lands and children are being exploited, our warriors are defeated. These treaties don't make us Anishinaabe, nor have they ever, and today, those we put in charge do not live Anishinaabe. Today we look around at assimilated indians, not Anishinaabe, defeated people we have allowed ourselves to become, but not I, nor the people I assciate myself with. Kichi manido has shown me what is important, and it isn't these treaties, its those in charge of violating these treaties to keep the indians in line, its those in charge leading us around by our noses. Yes we are all guilty of allowing these leaders to mislead our people, not only the leaders of Leech Lake and White Earth, but also all the other leaders within the MCT. We must abolish this current government the white man has perverted our interests with, we must bring back our old ways, our traditional governments, with traditional leaders, with traditional interests, not these sit-around-the-fort indians that exploit our people every chance they get. As anishinaabe we are taught to respect all beliefs, even our own that we have allowed to be ignored for far too long. We must review and revise our tribal governments so the real interest of the Anishinaabe people that still exist within our communities can bring back the harmony that was stolen way from us as our rights have been. When are we going to fight for our culture? When are we going to protect our beliefs? When are we going to fight for our children? We have for the most let the white man teach us how to mistreat, abuse and neglect our children, how to blame our children, when are you going to hold yourselves accountable for failing our future as Anishinaabe? Today? Tomorrow? Maybe the day before the state fishing opener? Either way, the people at large are all guilty of failing our children. Why? Because all of you are just playing along, playing indian, is this demonstration going to eliminate tribal corruption? No it isn't, not until we give the power back to our people. These leaders don't speak on the behalf of me, these ain't my leaders, I don't look to Archie Larose, Erma Vizenor, nor Buck Jourdain for any guidance what so ever, because I see past all this bullshit they have put in front of themselves to fool our people. They have did nothing to repair any real damage that was present before the current corrupted so-called tribal government allowed all the other sit-around-the-fort indians to put these so-called leaders into office. We must remove the corrupted influence of the DLF Democratic Party from within the infrastructure of our tribal governments. We indians have always demonstrated democracy, we do not need the white man to teach us how to maintain our governments. We have traditional ways of conducting our councils to provide our people with real leadership. Our clans were the basis of these ways we governed ourselves, our elders gave us guidance, our spiritual leaders gave us direction, and our children gave us meaning, not these treaties. Not until we go back and fix the things we left behind, not until we go back a pick up what was left behind we cannot call ourselves the Anishinaabe people. Although there is Anishinaabe people that live within the boundries of these treaties, most of our people have forgot how to respect our teachings. My dad said we lived Anishinaabe, I like to think I still do as much as I'm allowed. Be thankful for that he'd say, because alot of these indians don't, they have no teachings, they have no honesty, only excuses, they have no humility, only pride, they have no truth, only lies, they have no wisdom, only logic, they have no bravery, only cowardice. They lost their respect and most only love themselves. There are only a few of us left to be honored by those treaties, because most of these so-called 'indians' are not Anishinaabe They're only using these treaties to fool not only our white brothers, but also themselves. These treaties didn't give us the right to be Anishinaabe, it only initiated the thief and mistreatment of the Anishinaabe people, our way of life is endangered, we must first protect that. Then, we would have the strength to over come these violations of our ancestors rights. A lot of these people are fussing about these treaties are not even Anishinaabe, not anymore, at least not yet.

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