Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hunting and Gathering Justice

Recanting this years already eventful proceedings, I have come to the conclusion of numerous things concerning our community and those that reside here. Disappointment and realization to my expectations of those I once viewed as competent are now debunked by their own insistent fumbling and self serving attitudes. these people whom I have obviously have given more credit then they deserve, with their blahzay attitudes and glory seeking self centered demeanor towards anything significant and pertinent of overcoming any social ills victimizing our shared community is virtually completely ignored by these arrogant behaviors emanating from these people. If they are not downright misconstruing the issues to their benefit, they are exploiting our oppression for their own personal recognition, their behavior and demeanor only re-enforces stereotypes and social bias our people are subjected to within our community. These people are involving themselves on the sole purpose of creating some sort of stature for their act of involvement, where their only results they intend on receiving from their supposed dedication is just a pathetic attempt of attracting attention. well then, if that is the case, you have gotten my attention, and you and I are going to have it out. I'm looking forward to confronting not only you, but also anybody ignorant or naive enough to buy into your deception and manipulations, you with your pompous pretentious arrogant self serving attitudes are going to realize you have made a mistake trying to stand for yourselves, trying to stand in the ways of those of us that are charging the walls of injustice. You will be trampled, you will be maimed, you will carry the mental scars that will remind you of your self centered mistakes, this is bigger then any one person or their excuse, people talk about revolution, how can anyone whom is such a corrupted naive weak hearted person lead out anykind of charge strong enough to change anything besides our opinion of your pathetic childish proceedings. Don't expect me to stand by to pity you, your feeble decrepit mannerism will not prevent me from pursuing change for my children, this isn't about just one person, or just one family, this concerns all of us, I alone know what I'm capable of, and I am capable of acknowledging my worth to my community if I make myself selflessly devoted towards any and all hopes my people are struggling to provide for our children, I see you people, scrunning around playing dumb, acting smart, looking stupid, being pathetic. My band of guerrillas and I have been preparing for moments like these, moments you blindly involve yourselves in in hopes of capturing glory for yourselves, well then, you unknowingly have made enemies with the wrong savages, you talk of respect in hopes that that alone will save you from my wrath, you talk of peace as if it will protect you from my onslaught of awareness, you talk of revolution as if its a little picnic that only people you wish to attend are to eat off the cloth you have provided to veil your selfish meals of deceit. Well, my colleagues and I are on the hunt for justice, and we require skilled, brave warriors to bring down these beasts that have been ravaging our resources and holding our people hostage with fear, and we will not end our hunting expedition until we can provide a feast for all.

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