Saturday, May 15, 2010

Charlatans of the lodge smoking their pipes pretentiously

I see a lot of people claiming to be lodge people, or spiritual people living the most hypocritical and disrespectful towards their beliefs and our teachings more than people that actually adhere to these gifts of enlightenment and balance, and I see them for who they are because I ask the manidos to help me stay away from these type of people. A lot of them use our lodge to try and invoke fear, some use it to raise their social status, some use it as a means to take advantage of our people that seek refuge from this chaos we are subjected to within this society where there is a great deal of oppression, and distrust. At the root of a lot of these problems are corrupted people, with the ability to not only manipulate the interests of their household, but to cause a disruption of harmony throughout our shared community. I put out my tobacco and ask Gichi manido to please give these people some teachings so they may find balance and share within the actually beauty of being Anishinaabe, but they fill their pipes with propaganda and lite them with money, and they pray for only themselves, because they have not only disrespected our way of life with their obvious corrupted, selfish hearts, but they drag those along with them that I care for. Am I to stand by watching these hateful-hearted people lay waste to my friends and relatives? Or should I consider involving myself with these people to maybe influence them into being honorable and honest, kind and compassionate? The manidos help me see these people for who they are to help me be a good person, so I can Identify them and help others not fall under their deceptive influence they try to as of yet perpetuate abusing our teachings, yet I am not the one bit intimidated nor threatened by these so-called 'medicine people.' Their corrupted medicine has no power over me nor my life, because the elders I surround myself with are transparent, they have good hearts, and remind me that not only are they standing behind us, but our ancestors are as well, and I feel this, and I pray one day these corrupted people do as well, because its apparent that the spirits neglect them because that are to full of themselves. They make no room in their lives for enlightenment and balance, because they are overflowing with their egos and arrogance, their hearts have become filled with selfishness, there is little to no wisdom for these people to share with those that ask them for answers, Gichi Manidou must give these people an abundance of humility until they can see past themselves, I would gladly share my humility with them in hopes of them finding humility for themselves. So they can see past to what truly matters, and I pity these people, because they are lost, everyday I tread new ground, because everyday I become more aware then the previous day in hopes of not only attaining self fulfillment, so maybe one day I can help these people that are obviously lost, I have devoted my life to teachings of my people, and that alone gives me the direction I need and ask for, it points me in the right direction of those that help me along the way, these people and their arrogant pretentious attitudes hold no answers for themselves nor those that blindly seek their help, this is sad, but it is also a very valuable lesson for those that are seeking true enlightenment, Gichi Manidou gives us these people to make us stronger, so we may in turn help these people become stronger then these things that may be preventing them from the fulfillment of their worth to our people. Sometimes I get angry at these people, but Gichi Manidou shows me how to pity them, and maybe some day they'll understand themselves as much as I am allowed to understand them, at least I pray they do.

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