Thursday, May 20, 2010

For my brother 'Dwayne'

Well people the time has come to throw your hats into candidacy of the various offices that have opened up for election, if any of you can do it better, by all means, I could support that. A lot of people are very opinionated and critical about what Nicole Beaulieu and Greg Paquin are taking on for our people and community, their still isn't any indians standing up for us outside of tribal politics besides Nicole and Greg, and thats where most of our problems stem from. This is where our leaders learned their dastardly ways in the aftermath of the Indian Reorganization Act which robbed us of our traditional tribal governments. This is where the white politicians influence our tribal governments to undertake their bidding within our tribe, and this is where we can initiate a process of repairing the corrupted relationship between these two governments, this is where we can show our tribal leaders there is more to us then casinos, poverty, and pow wows. Take our treaty rights for instance, we have nobody speaking on our behalf, protecting our interests in those senate halls, our way of life has been utterly and completely vulnerable to the insensitivity of the white men in charge of running Minnesota without without any of our input. We have nobody standing up to run for any Bemidji Council seats, where we can institute of having tribally run business to return the native dollar to our sovereign nations instead of going to the racist business owners of Bemidji, where we can mandate cultural sensitivity training for business owners and government workers to be more understanding and compassionate toward those being victimized by systematic institutionalized racism. We have been presented with opportunities to bring about long over due change for the American Indian of Northern Minnesota, yet alot of indians remain silent unless its comes to criticizing others indians whom are brave enough to stand up for those of you who are yet to stand up for yourselves and support these Indian candidates. Internalized Oppression has allowed the white racist to sit back and watch the indians destroy themselves in a lot of instances, a lot of indians have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into the systematic institutionalized racism victimizing their people, so it leaves me with the frustrated question of why are our people so resistant to helping and supporting those of us trying to get our people out of these messes we have allowed the white man to put us in? Some indians will claim we did this to ourselves, some of us did, but we sure had a lot of encouragement from these outside influences, so instead of blaming others, blame yourselves for your lack of logic, your lack of compassion, for your lack of strength to stand up and say 'we support you' because we support all of you. Even those of you too defeated, too indoctrinated, too ignorant, too naive, too insensitive to stand for yourselves. A lot of critizism comes from indians with credentials spewing their indoctrinated gibberish at everything we do, these people with their pompous arrogant attitudes believe their a pinnacle of knowledge of overcoming a lot of these downfalls victimizing our people. A lot of elders pretentiously regurgitate teachings with out adhering nor practicing those teachings themselves, if these people hold all this knowledge to help our people then why are our communities in the state of despair today? but no, they want to sit there belittling everything we are doing because our action might discredit a lot of their supposed stature within our community, we would appreciate it if these people would become involved, and help us build what we are attempting to create for the American Indian of Northern Minnesota. If these people stood up for us I would gladly support these people, my best friend, Clarence 'Dwayne' Meat was murdered 4 years ago, he was attending Harvard University, he had big plans of coming home and fixing our community. Besides my father, he was one of the most intelligent Indians I have ever had to opportunity of knowing, he would have had the credentials to attract these arrogant indians attention, a lot of these ideas we are standing behind belonged to him. We have talked for hours of these things we have taken up today, his spirit lives on in our actions, his voice still guides us to find hope for our people, that day we buried him was one of the hardest days of my life, but I know hes still here with us. He knows he has to see this through, I don't think he will rest until he knows his people will have the strength rise again.


  1. What we really need is honest representation in the indigenous community, alot of us in red lake are not in support of Nicole because we believe that false representation is nothing our people want to be apart of. I know you Curtis and I know her as well, and for you not to commend Darrell Auginash for stepping up is a slap in our face. Politics is really about relationships, and from my perspective and a few others from the Red Lake Nations perspective you and Nicole seem to be damaging relationships in the indian community rather than making relationships. I wish you luck with your journey.

  2. false representation? excuse me, but your quiet uneducated on anything pertaining to what we are actually doing, everything she speaks of has been nothing short of the truth, shes as transparent as they get, shes not in this for any other reason besides bringing forth the issues people like you rather ignore and belittle because you lack the intelligence or courage to stand for anything efficiently, excuse me for saying because I love red lake, many of my good friends are red lakers, but red lake is lost in my opinion, and I came to this conclusion after hearing many red lake elders and spiritual leaders that support us speak of those leading them astray and manipulating the interests of the people, I grew up there, you guys ignore your elder and blame your youth for everything, when are some of you people going to hold yourselves responsible for the state of despair you are neglecting and apparently ignoring? instead you rather be pointing your fingers at everyone besides yourself, red lake is not within our district, you guys have your own problems you make for yourselves up that way, and I hope one day your community finds harmony once again, If I had any insight into your problems that way maybe I could formulate an opinion, but my interests lay within my district, and I am here to slap you lackluster shiftless people in the face with some truth, someone has to, your pathetic attempt to speak on the behalf of all red lakers is nothing short of pitiful, this isn't about politics to us, its about waking our people up if you like it or not, you fail to see any value in what we're doing because you fail to value yourself as anyone that can make a difference, instead your giving yourself excuse to sit back and withhold your support because I won't support anyone such as darrel auginash whom is so inept and out of touch with not only red lake but american at large? wow, the ignorance of someone so opinionated such as yourself seems detrimental to your reputation as red ogichidaa, to bad I don't have the privilege of saying I know you as well, you rather hide behind your handle and spew pathetic harsh jealous envious criticism at our efforts as if its going to change anything, this is proof that what we are doing is threatening your comfort zone you have found for yourself amongst all the discrimination you choose to ignore, well, go live up in red lake if you don't like what we're saying, I have faith that the red lakers of bemidji will not be able to ignorantly ignore the message we are bringing forth without your personal consent, theres always going to be people like you regardless of the strength of the conscious message we bring forth of our elders, and some of those elders are from red lake.

  3. I just read the disgusting attack on Nicole by this so-called "Red Ogichida" who is a truly disgusting human being for making such a hateful, unsubstantiated post. This vicious attack doesn't cite one single specific reason for the attack. It is a completely unfounded attack that wreaks of the worst kind of racist, underhanded political shenanigans. The attack is obviously intended to sow disharmony and disunity. Bigots and hatemongers everywhere engage in these kinds of dirty, cowardly attacks against people working to help create a better life for people; these hatemongers hide their dirty work behind anonymity just as this "Red Ogichida" has done. I suspect that this vicious and cowardly attack on Nicole is coming straight from Brian Melendez and the DFL leadership who finds it embarassing trying to explain why John Percell, Mary Olson, Brita Sailer, Rod Skoe and Collin Peterson have allowed the racist Bemidji City Council to get away without enforcing affirmative action pursuant to Executive Order #11246 in the planning, construction, staffing and maintaining the Bemidji Regional Event Center. Such cowardly attacks are Brian Melendez' stock in trade... this smells of his handi-work.

    I would challenge this "Red Ogichida" to come out of hiding from behind anonymity and now substantiate these hateful and hurtful accusations that smack of the worst kind of racism. I hope all people of goodwill will join me in calling on this pathetic creature posing as a human being to come out from behind anonymity and either apologize or substantiate these accusations with facts.

    Why the police, the Minnesota Secretary of State, the Elections Commission and the Attorney General are not already investigating this needs to be explained.

    This is nothing short of a hate crime.

    Darrell Auginash must feel terrible that he is being used in this way by "Red Ogichida," also, probably known as Brian Melendez.

  4. yes, alot of indians breed jealousy instead of support, they don't want to empower people like us to be better them then in their eyes, their so inept that this is all the view it as, internalized oppression, this is all this is, red ogichida is not really about seeing the intelligence or logic in anything of value past their own shortsightedness, they rather find excuses to continue to be lazy and shiftless, but yeah, I would like to challenge any and everyone to debate their poor point of view of what we are actually doing, their obviously too uneducated to have a respectable opinion of whats really going on here, they'll soon see what we're doing will benefit them as well, we're breaking the back of systematic institutionalized racism, red ogichida and his band of non-supports of justice rather nurture relations with these racists degrading our way of life in our district, well,if they like it or not, we are going to keep speaking up and speaking out, hopefully one of these days these sit around the forts comfortable with the oppression will come around, in fact I know they will.
