Sunday, May 2, 2010

Abandonment by Betrayal

Well then, the Democrats insist on forcing those of us that are acute to their treachery to abandon them, to embark on a movement for truth and equality, to release our people from their bondage of fear and the withholding of proper education that is instituted amongst the indian people, that is subliminally encouraged in almost every aspect of society here in northern Minnesota. In their efforts of preventing us from ever rising above these discrimination, discrimination that is meant to keep us uneducated, to keep us asking for their meager help, help that barely if never compensates for the freedoms they have robbed us of as human beings. They provide us with programs and polices meant to keep the indian hindered by their woes created to handicap our population, to indoctrinate those lucky enough to have the opportunity to rise above discrimination to be consumed into the dynamics of this discrimination. Yet meant to prevent all of us from ever questioning their insensitive institutionalized systematic racist treatment and polices made against our people. We are now going to launch an aggressive campaign to educate the indian people of these false glorification of our problems that they attempt to over complicate in hopes of discouraging our people from ever overcoming them, most wither away in fear and defeat in the face of these tremendous problems they have inflated with lies, that they re-enforce with propaganda. Now is our time to revolt against these illusions that they placed before us, to protest their every racist implication of our degradation, their over exaggerated attempts to overwhelm us with their over complicated process can be simplified. If we as oppressed people just simply pursue the truth to find the source of these problems inflicted upon the indian people, then these raciest politicians that are constantly threatening our integrity and equality will no longer have that power of fear and confusion over our people, we will rise out of this racism and establish our right to participate in this society they have long encouraged prevention of us from involving ourselves. Darrell Auginash and his republican soap box made of bibles is even the furthest from the truth we can get from hopes of ever creating change for the indian people, yet he is right about one thing, we have for the most lost our moral direction. I was raised catholic against my will, yet I converted to my ancestors traditional beliefs when I stepped into adulthood to help me find true meaning for who I am as an Anishnaabe man, I am not here to try and tell indian people how to think, but the thing our indian communities are in dire need for is for the return of our traditional teachings that provided us with that balance and strength our ancestors once had even in the midst of the society the white man was attempting to build for himself within our communities. The white man once outlawed our religion to stripe us from those teachings which gave us such strength, that was viewed as a threat to the white mans progress, yet the white man has failed. He has not only failed to assimilate the indian but he has also failed his white constitutes from perverting and polluting the bonds of brotherhood that we initially established when we first came in contact with out white counterpart. The greed of the ancestors of the white man has been institutionalized within our communities here in northern Minnesota, it is very much alive here today, I am not attempting to demonize the white man, but idly sitting by questioning every attempt we are making to repair and revitalize the indian people in our community should not be tolerated. I am not pointing fingers, I am in efforts of repairing our community, and those that wish only to debate and bring opposition to our struggle for equality should be ashamed of themselves. Most white men are inherantly racist if they like it or not, racism is nothing short of stupidity, and if you insist on continuing to live within a stupid community amongst stupid people, then you might want to consider moving somewhere where racism is going to be tolerated, because we're fed up here. This will not be the way of life for my children, we are going to break the back of institutionalized systematic racism. Racism is going to be so crippled and decrepit that it will no longer pose to be a threat to the indian people of northern Minnesota any longer after we get done, and we're just getting started. The 'Warriors for Justice Party', is going to wake people up, red, white, black, yellow and brown. Yes indians founded this political party in hoped to find justice and equality for our people, but everybody must benifite from the efforts of our struggle, this is the voice of freedom, to free ourselves from the faithlessness and the shiftlessness by our leaders that manipulated themselves into power to victimize the people at large. Our fight for justice and equality is a fight for all walks of life being oppressed and ignored, we step away from the democrats because we are brave enough to tell them where and how they are failing us, and if they want to hold on to the support of our people, then they should first hold themselves accountable for failing us.

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