Friday, April 30, 2010

White politics are red shackles

The white man really believes this is only about politics, although his 'politics' has forced us to fight for our survival as a people, this is now a fight for our freedom. To free us from the shackles of the white mans 'politics' that has been causing us great distress for far too long, we devise plans to free ourselves from these shackles so they will not harm another generation of our people, so we can heal ourselves and our communities with the loving nurturing teachings of our ancestors that the white man once criminalized and attempted to stripe away from our people. The world is looking to the anishinaabe people everywhere to save our planet, these men and their 'politics' are the reasons our mother is erupting in anger and sadness of her abuse and neglect that they sign into policy. People are starting to listen to our conscious yell to wake up and look at these shackles they have cast upon us, shackles that prevent us from helping our mother. The earth is crying for us to help her and stop hurting her, yet the idle worship of the almighty dollar leads our leaders to our betrayal of our mother, some of our people have been manipulated into having false vanity for these shackles. Our leaders have lead us astray, our leaders have become tyrants, I am ashamed of our leaders, are my children going to be victims for these men and their polices? Why must we sacrifice our children in the name of progress, the white man tries to discourage us from raising up to free ourselves, why? Because he is scared, and he knows we're now strong enough to break free from his bondage of discrimination, now we must unite and stand together. Not all white men work to keep us imprisoned by discrimination, but these white men that idly sit by and witness these injustices of institutionalized racism shouldn't be let off the hook either. We 'Indians' are fed up with this constant deterioration of our community and our way of life into this corrupted uneducated perspective of these ignorant white men, that only wish to keep our involvement of their policy making to the value of those corrupted manipulated tribal officials that are token to their harmful notion of their 'indian' brothers. We are directly threatening these harmful lifestyles they live on, our peoples suffrage is only providing the white men with his attitude of his privileged notion, we are going to restore dignity and strength to the fight for equality we are currently battling, we are renewed strength to the fight for justice of the indian people, we have been born into this battle, we have been raised and educated to be aware of our enemies and his ignorant ways, we have studied their oblivious arrogant behavior, and their has been occasions I have been blessed with to rekindle that long forgotten brotherhood we once share with our white brothers. Those bonds of brotherhood have helped me struggle to help our white brothers that have forgotten how to appreciate our kinship and remember the value of his indian brothers, there will be a day when we rejoice in that long forgotten brotherhood, but today is not that day, today we must fight, to show our enemies we are worthy of their respect, to let our enemies know will not allow this mistreatment of our people to go on any longer, to make our enemies accountable for the betrayal and treachery that has created this discontentment and distrust amongst us. I am a Warrior for Justice, and I pity the man that is going to be on the business end of my Battle charge for equality.

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