Tuesday, April 13, 2010

better then your average.....

Yeah I'm talking to you with the mask on! I see you trying to blend into the crowd, its simple to be easy going, its difficult to be cunning and stalwart, its beyond the comprehension of those stuck on themselves not to see the whole truth, is that my fault? Maybe, but then again who are you to question who I ain't? Why don't you look down upon yourself once in awhile, are you happy being stupid? or are you stupid being happy? either way y'all still look like assholes, take it or leave, I ain't going to wait around for you jerks to catch up, y'all pussies are scared of the forest anyhow, just play dead then the bears will leave y'all alone, while I stand and deliver, y'all just take in the liver n shutter when y'all speak my name, why? I dunno, maybe y'all know better then to walk out of your house without your galoshes on, because I'll tell y'all one thing, I'm up to my knees with your bullshit, and I'm not scared to get my hands dirty, don't throw shit if you live in a glass house kid. I had it up to here with y'all sissies anyhow, you need to be ye high to ride this ride anyways, I don't do drugs but you obliviously need medication, I'm not going to admire you for your lack of passion for the truth, what you know bout anything you haven't learned on T.V. anyhow, doesn't matter, your still whack, why? because your just a poindexter, there is no real value of any teaching you hold, why? Because y'all haven't the commonsense to apply logic to your silly ass outfit, and your outfit is your soul, you wear that shit like a stupid hat, I'd be scared to if I woke up in a tree, but I'm not the dumb ass that put myself in that position too be ridiculed for the attempted treachery of acting like a monkey ass fool. Don't ch'all know there's guerrillas in these here trees? Y'all okay? Is everybody fine? Well that's fuck'd up, because if your okay with this bullshit, then you ain't paying attention, and if your at peace with being a worthless piece of shit, then deal with it on your own time. I'm not too happy with your lack of anger, why don't you stand up for yourself already? Their throwing rocks at your ass too, who cares if you got baby deer legs, one day you'll be jumping over cars just to eat on some weeds in the ditch, hopefully you won't get stuck in the headlights of some asshole like yourself, yeah, I'm angry, but I ain't no vicious wild animal, quit trying to act like your some kind of cute cuddly rabbit, cuz your not although you got your head in a snare. I'm a mad scientist that harnessed the energy of my anger into a power cell, and I'm selling these anger batteries and the one time low, introductory price of your humility, humility is one of our teachings, it is something I need to validate your proof of enlightenment. If you have indigent dignity not to withstand such a blow to your ego, then take your pompous ass back to the stilt store and get a refund, because your just not skilled enough to talk down on people that see past your childish bullshit.

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