Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Breaking the back of institutionized racism

Lehman and Myers, obliviously bigots, Myers stated “We’re talking such an entitlement mentality on those reservations that I don’t think they’re going to support someone that says I believe we need to cut those entitlements. I’d do my best, I’d go to their powwows when they have them … but are they going to support me in the end? I don’t think they’re going to support any Republican in the end. You do your best, but you have to be realistic.” so in short, why care about the Indians, they won't allow us to discriminate them openly, lets turn our backs on them and continue to ignore them then. I have something to share with Mr. Myers, my fiance's father and his family whom are from Turtle Mountain voted for McCain, I don't know why, but they did. So don't write the Indian vote off just yet, there are Indians uneducated enough to waste their vote on you, he also stated “We need strategy to allow us to win without those reservations.” well Mr. Myers, That is exactly what has been going on for far too long, I believe we need to redistrict to unify the Indian vote. The white politician strategically broke down the Indian communities to weaken our voice in political matters, a lot of our Indian people live off the reservation, mainly around and within the Bemidji City limits. You speak as if we encourage our own people to rely on these "entitlement" program, a 100 years ago we didn't rely on the white man for anything, the white man relied on us. We hunted and fished to provide for our families, the white man has snuck his way into our lives with his polices and laws which eroded away our way of life into this dismal discontentment which ravages the Indian household to this day. Once again these white men are attempting to belittle us to the conditions this racist society has forced upon my people, like this is wholly our responsibility that we have let our communities fall into this despair, I'm pretty sure this is not what my ancestors envisioned for their grandchildren when they were working hand and hand with our white brothers to build Minnesota, because yes, the accounts are obscure, but we had a big part of nurturing and building this state of Minnesota, the lack of educated history is to blame for this ignorant notion . I don't know exactly where this treachery started, but I know the blood isn't on our hands in this case of betrayal. Lehmann stated, “They want jobs just like anyone else wants jobs. We need to encourage job growth there. We get them to work, and away from entitlement programs.” Then he speaks of ownership, which my people refuse to take on as an ideal for the simple fact it is a corruption and perversion of my peoples way of life, ownership is an abomination, the journalist wrote on his behalf; "Helping to instill pride and ownership comes with having a job," he said. “The important thing is work with them, understand their needs, but not make any promises that propagate what we stereotypically see as a problem with them — we need to work with them to work out of what we view as being issues there.” The issue is betrayal, you have turned your backs on us and have encouraged my people to take back seat to your ignorant perspective of the Indian and our problems, problems which the white man has instilled into our communities. Most white men have nurtured a systematic racist society here in Northern Minnesota, that is obvious, him defending his corrupted way of life is evident, the article also stated Lehmann said he’d work with the American Indian population to site jobs on the reservation. once again they are attempting to drag us back to our reservation, to confine us and keep us under control, as if our tribal politics are not already corrupted by their racist underhanded involvement, fact remains, those of us "Indian" that are not indoctrinated into these harmful ideologies that prevent most of us from overcoming these injustices of discrimination, are going to unite to unite our community, to renew those old bonds of brotherhood that has been long forgotten, to go back and fix the things we've left behind, to move forward in unity for a better Minnesota.

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