Thursday, April 29, 2010

Drowning in the mainstream

The time has come for the weak hearted being swept away to draw strength from the strong hearted that stand against the current, the flood gates of ignorance and injustice have been open upon our community, will we play games in order to survive? Or will we fight as our ancestors did? Will we grovel within deception? Or will we fight with conviction? Yes our ancestors fought for us to be here today, cowards will manipulate the history of our people in order to satisfy their weak heart that is corrupted by fear. Deception is not a strong foundation to build anything of value to provide prosperity, we must proceed with truth and honor to defeat these corrupted practices and beliefs victimizing our people, our people have gave way to defeat for far too long. There is no balance of peace here to be spoken of, and if these people can be peaceful when their is no peace to speak of, then they must be naive, obtuse, or just plain ignorant to the reality of our situation. Peace coming out of the mouths of these weak hearted people is a foul word, the distortion of the word turns it into a weapon to thwart and demonize the strong hearted warriors that struggle to rouse their defeated people. The indoctrination of fear contaminates some of the most open of eyes that sees these evils, their weak hearted teachings prevent them from ever rising above their barrier of fear they have placed before themselves, all these fears will soon dissipate as the darkness this fear invoke is illuminated upon by the radiant beauty of truth, honor will be the foundation we rebuild our community upon. With honor we can appreciate our teachings, that will bring back the balance we all yearn for, many talk of this balance, but not many are strong enough to truly live by those teachings, why? Because those teachings are not priority to a lot of hypocritical people that try and preach of them. Mainstream society has swept away these teaching from a lot of families of our people, and if they wish to let those teaching go, then fine, but why are some attempting to institute their corrupted diluted opinion and their dastardly ways into anything good we are fighting to provide for our people. Every day I pray to find understanding of these weak hearted people that try and drag us down with them to drown in this mainstream of ignorance and injustice. I pray they will let me help them stand against the current and struggle to the source of these disparities to seal the flood gates of ignorance, because I can't do it alone, its going to take all of us to save our community from drowning in the mainstream. Our elders sit upon rocks within this current, safe because they are wise, yet they are not young and strong enough to survive the relentless current, that is up to us to make it safe for them to help us again. I'm sorry I can't help everyone that reaches out to me, they are being pulled away by others allowing themselves to drown, sometimes I'm not yet as strong as I wish to be.

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