Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sit-around-the-forts and uncle and auntie tom-a-hawks

Some people are truly scared or threatened by what we are doing here in Northern Minnesota concerning native issues in politics, some Indians are trying to stand against us because they are comfortable with the discrimination that goes on here. some have made themselves apart of this discrimination, some have been manipulated in working in efforts against our plight for equality, some are paid to stand in our way, some are so diluted with ignorance that they can't see the reality of our situation, some are so pompous and arrogant about our issues they don't believe it is any of their responsibility to try and bring positive change to our community, and when we point these issues out to them, they become angry and defend their ignorance with such conviction that to them they believe their corrupted ideals are to be admired by our community. It becomes rather frustrating trying to open peoples eyes to the truth or trying to motivate them to doing something proactive for our people and our community. No, I don't have all the answers, I am no pinnacle of truth, but at least I'm trying to find those answers, at least I'm not sitting around doing nothing, least I'm not trying to stand in the way of those seeking justice and equality for themselves and their families, least I am not critical of anybody that is truly making positive change, some of these Indians try and ridicule us for our determination, attempting to discourage us with their lack of concern for our conscious voices. If anybody believes they can combat these problems more effectively, then by all means, I'd step aside and support that, or those persons, but Trying to discredit the validity of our defiant voices, we won't stand for that, these people that try to look down their noses at us want to give way to their jealousies instead of joining us to fight the good fight. We are not trying to exclude any body for any reason to help us bring unity to our community, yes, we may never eradicate ignorance and racism, but we are going to make it hard for ignorance and institutionalized racism to continue to thrive here. We are going to break the back of institutionalized racism and weaken it to a crippled decrepit state where it can no longer pose to be a threat to our people and our community, these sit around the fort Indians that have made these injustices apart of their pathetic lives get no sympathy from me when I'm standing here trying to help them stand up for themselves and shake this oppression off, but most of these obnoxiously pompous indians are standing up for all the wrong reasons. Their standing for themselves not our people, everything they do is meant to embellish their own self centered motives of pursuing their delusions of grander, yes this is disturbing. Yes it is disgusting, and that is when we must stand against these indoctrinated people, be they indian or white. There was a young white man boasting his credentials, explaining his beliefs that entitles him to question what we are trying to achieve here, he was exaggerating his point to find justification for his obvious ignorance, this young man was sitting here telling us the same old rhetoric that his predispose have indoctrinated upon him, he has allowed himself to be educated in insensitivity and white privilege that he can not see the truth as a whole. Yes, he sees truth but only truth that allows him to justify his ignorance, the dynamics of this racism is sometimes too much for those whom lack the conviction or the intelligence or the proper education to differentiate its convoluted presence here in good ol' Northern Minnesota, some indians are threatened by what we are doing because it is their job to keep these discriminators in place, so it doesn't disrupt their white handlers enterprise of injustice which is fueled by the Indians suffrage. This shiftlessness, this faithlessness, and this treachery will not hinder our plight for justice and equality, and for those of you that stand in our way with your inept questions, just keep them to yourselves and stand aside, because we haven't the time nor patience to help you understand your own ignorance, that is up to those people to open their eyes and educate themselves to the obvious, it is up to them to adhere to the reality of these matters, to determine logical and moral effort to create harmony within our community. Yes, we understand those people that choose to only question our efforts, but if we spent our days going out and trying to help them see the validity of our struggle, then we would never achieve anything. I believe the results of our efforts will answer these individuals questions that they ignorantly pose against our efforts, a majority of our people see the value of the struggle for equality we have entrenched ourselves in, elders and spiritual leaders are coming out in support of our efforts for peaceful resolutions for change for our people, and that is all the validation I need to wake up every morning and fight harder then I did that previous day.

1 comment:

  1. I say the same thing, Curt, to the sacred directions, water, air, fire and earth. May we all work harder to protect them today than we did yesterday.

    Blessed be,
