Tuesday, May 11, 2010

the realitivity of irreverence

I constantly advise of the avoidance of distractions that may consume us if we so let them. There comes a time in ones life when we must part ways with those that we once relied on to bring forth strength, one can take only so much disappointment before the realization that he must move forward, forward from those that have been deceptively discouraging ourselves from dedicating our full attention to the tasks at hand. Tasks that give meaning to life from our own energy, some can blame jealously, some can blame fear, either way, these tests that temper the souls of the willing shan't be devoid of meaning if we allow ourselves to acknowledge these distractions that hide behind the veil of friendship or fellowship. I have been hypocritical to the degree of allowing myself to be distracted by those I held in the utmost ignorant respect, catering to their selfish mannerism in order to gain the approval of their opinion, even when their opinion holds no water to nourish the seeds of understanding. A common bond has been broken, and as they bleed out ignorance, we shouldn't tend to their self inflicted wounds of their jagged egos, time heals all wounds, and only time will tell if these self inflicted wounds have crippled these men to a decrepit state. To where they are of little to no use to society at large, one must ask themselves, was this their original intentions to be shiftless and insensitive, withholding and tedious. Yet looking back, we take notice of our attempts to encourage fulfillment in these empty husks these people have allowed themselves to become. They dedicate themselves to serfdom to provide themselves with their self centered shortcomings, religiously praising these selfish idols within their lives. Encouraging those they surround themselves with to partake in their sacrilegious practice of dedicating themselves to the shiftless servitude of self, manipulating those unlucky enough to play audience to these poor quality individuals that only wish to make you available to be utilized as a resource to fuel their selfish behavior. These people will become rather irate and defensive if we attempt to provide these stubbornly ignorant people with answers, answers that will not only dispel their insensitive ignorance, but answers that may fulfill enlightenment. Gifts of enlightenment that have been gifted to us to pass on to those we feel are not only worthy, but to those that are in dire need of some wisdom. Wisdom distilled down through history to share with our brothers, these elements of wisdom know no master, they belong to us all, when we dispense our gifts discriminatory, we not only rob others of our worth. We rob ourselves of a chance of showing the world the beauty we are capable of through selfless dedication towards our fellowman, but these people that fail to adhere towards reason of wisdom will allow jealousy and envy to assist them of trying to ridicule those that have strength. attempting to drag them off their mountain of obstacles that they have overcame, yet we mustn't shrug these people off and ignore them, be alert to when they come to term with their own shortcomings, and lend them a hand to help them up their hill of adversity.

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