Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ignorant bullshit

Most people don't like being confronted on their ignorance, they tend to ignorantly defend their bias views in a lazy guilty attempt to hold on to, or sacrifice very little of the comfort shiftlessness provides them as those that struggle for change have to push past their faithless, envious, lazy bullshit as well. I'm sick of these 'who cares' attitudes, what hell do you care about then if it ain't of anything of importance, and who are you to judge what is of importance when there are those that have the courage to effectively question the powers that be? Obviously YOUR agenda is more important then the possibility of bringing hope and prosperity back to your community, our community is overwhelmed with these lazy individuals wandering around acting as if their opinion or their issues are too important to give any concern to what others have brought to the table to fix. I see a lot the shinobs acting as if their involved, when their only being selfish in their pursuit to finding recognition amongst their community. These self centered ojib's are pitiful, and frustrating to tolerate, you just want to confront these fake individuals to their faces and say "listen here you narcissistic hypocrite, Knock it off, go get some integrity already why don't you?" Bending the rules to their advantage and using them to justify their ignorance all at the same time, are these people really that stupid where they can't even identify their own ignorance? Or are they just too much of a coward to take accountability for their fake, lazy actions and opinion? Regardless of these people nuturing their ignorance on fear, they tend to push their insecurities and internalized oppression upon the vulnerability of their children, forcing their children to become stereotypes and statistics to justify the racism that is systematically institutionalized within our communities. These people have forsaken their ancestors as well as their children by surrendering to assimilation. Yes, technology is very important to modern day society, and most of us rely upon it, but a lot of shinobs are sacrificing their integrity for the convenience of subscribing to popular ideas or views that disconnect them from the reality of the situations that consume our community. These people then in turn formulate an inept opinion of matters on the basis of their lackluster confidence in 'credible sources' that main stream media tends to desensitize their ideals and morals with. When are a people that survived on listening to their hearts and honoring the sacrifice their ancestors made to provide them with the chance of not only honoring our children by providing them with future, but to honor our community as well by realistically confronting the issues? To re-connect themselves to the tribal interests of our nation, so our ancestors will once again rejoice in our bonds of humanity of all living things. We have all fell out of touch with not only one other, but with just about everything that gave our ancestors the strength to survive even worse odds then we face today. Our way of life is on the brink of extinction, one day what is left of us will just be 'Indians' and the essence of being Anishinaabe will be lost forever to no fault of our own. Yeah, you might be able to speak the language, but can you live by the teachings?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You reap what you sow

All you can do is sit back and watch karma take care of those that manipulate their ways through life, these people think they can go around without any repercussions behaving in their false mannerism. I have faith things will be sorted out for these delusional people using and desecrating sacred things and taking advantage of those genuine people trying to provide the community with a sense of balance. They put effort forth to build some sort of false status amongst those they intend to manipulate, maybe they pursue these corrupt endeavors because of a self esteem issue, or some other matter pertaining to some inner conflict or turmoil. Non the less, their actions and behavior is less then satisfactory and robs others of opportunities that will benefit more effectively, or from those that genuinely appreciate and use this help to their best abilities to help others within their community. It just gets sickening watching these pathetic people running around making a sham of everything they can get their envious, greedy little selfish hands on, should I feel pity for these weak hearted people? Or should I put effort forth in striking them down to the level where they belong so they can wallow in their own grief they neglect and ignore from resolving properly? Because I see these people for who they are, not who they try to pretend to be, we should not exalt them for these falsities they try to push upon those directly threatened of being manipulated into seeing these people for who they are not. Justice is a word being more and more taken out of context these days, yet we witness it in action constantly, I guess these people will get to be rather intimate with its meaning if they insist on constantly calling down its wraith upon their heads. These Hypocrites are the ones that must own up to the selfishness of their treacheries one day, hopefully the lesson they are to undertake doesn't destroy their chances in aspiring to the person they think they are.

Friday, July 23, 2010

too many Indians, not enough Chiefs

Wow, I never really took notice to how many 'Indians' make careers out of being internally oppressed. Its damn near half of these fakes and traitors amongst us, these comfy lil Indians love to try and look down their noses at us 'Savages' that systematic institutionalized racism has kept disenfranchised. Systematic institutionalized racism they have been indoctrinated and assimilated into re-enforcing within the community they belong to, or a community they have been implicated to infiltrate to ensure oppressive conduct to not only corrupt interests to open up vulnerability to exploit, but to manipulate the uneducated masses into deceiving confidence from their supposed constituents and those they supposedly represent. They think their so hip and sophisticated when it comes to practicing their heritage and conducting themselves as 'contemporary American Indians' yet they love waving their lil pieces of papers of 'credentials 'at us less fortunate shinobs. As if that alone gives them right to feel pretentious, pompous, and arrogant, as if their opinion in any matter that catches their attention is of more importance then those of us more commonly downtrodden citizens that are directly effected by their shiftless jobery. These corrupted figureheads buy and sell their people at will, wheeling and dealing, hustling our communities into poverty and oppression, investing their efforts into justifying stereotypes that hold our communities hostage. The price of ransom is our integrity, all you other indians might be satisfied in entrusting the welfare and future in the hands of those that are obviously taking advantage of our communities discontentment, but I'm not going to sit here and take this disrespect from these Charlatans. We should all be obligated to confront these treasonists of the ojibwe nation, hell it is our responsibility to our children to stand against those that selfishly victimize our community, we are a tribe, if you consider yourself a tribal person then this 'every man for himself' concept is a contradiction of our very essence as anishinaaabe people. We are all responsible for our shared community, and this is ojibwe country, as the saying goes 'when in Rome.' These chimooks need to start applying that saying to the reality of their demographic, at least that is if they have has much respect for us as some of them claim they do. If I can stand up, you can stand up, I'm already a condemned criminal in the eyes of my community, but there has to be someone amongst us that is qualified to lead our people into prosperity. Their has to be someone amongst us that can mend the damage racism has inflicted upon our community, but I'll tell you one thing I know for sure, its not any of those token 'Indians' playing 'Indian' for those obliviously ignorant, insensitive, inherently racist white people that take advantage of these weak hearted 'Indians.'

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Noble Savage

Uppity Indians? Where do some of these internally oppressed assimilated individuals find the logic or nerve in denouncing what those of us that have the ability to effectively identify as root problems of our discontentment? We don't need others that haven't the ability to confront nor the courage to validate and support the obvious cause to the problems that those amongst us have brought attention to effectively. I personally cannot find comfort in structural racism, why is my racial identity encouraged to being a burden? Not only by those that enforce these racist practices that disenfranchise my people, but is also encouraged by those that have become assimilated into the systematic institutionalized racism present here in Northern Minnesota as well. Yeah these are Indians that have been allowed to sit at the 'white' table and have been presented the opportunity of partaking in some of the white mans treats, such as white privilege, but only if that Indian does what he/she is told. Then he/she will earn the right of those white peoples condescending respect, they are then encouraged to look down their nose at those of us that rather not ignore and belittle the condition of our humanity, which has become very unsatisfactory due to those token Indians that have been allowed to ineptly speak on the behalf of our community at large. What is a politically correct way of identifying these Indians? Sit around the forts? Uncle tomahawks, and apples have been condemned as derogatory by the efforts of these false representatives of their constituents, would they be Artificial American Indians, or Counterfeit American Indians? Or would those be two separate definitions in themselves? Either way it describes a lot of Indians partaking in gorging themselves on the table scraps of the white man, I know all white men are not afflicted with a ignorant heart, but why then are these 'good hearted' white men allowing these deplorable conditions society has forced upon my people to continue to without ever saying 'hey this isn't right.' Because they fear they will be cast from the table of privilege and be forced to become beggars. Well, he should be worried if that is what is at stake, because I refuse to be a beggar, but I refuse to eat at a table where there is individuals that refuse to let me have my own plate, fork, or spoon either. I'm not going to play 'the noble savage' for these ignorant people, but I'm not going to pretend I'm happy with those that openly chose cowardice over solidarity for those that endure at the hands of those wreaking oppression upon the heads of those resilient people known as the Anishinaabe.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Keepin it Real

Keepin it real, whats real to anybody that manipulates any logical concepts of our teachings to make way for their own degenerate self centered agenda. Shits pretty frustrating when most of these immature wanna be warriors or anybody that holds them selves in some sort of false standard are spouting off at the mouth about keeping it real, and 'stop snitching' they act as if their doing us a favor by living in total disregard for the welfare of our community. Our tribes have been doing a great job of reorganizing efforts to provide our communities with structured society where we can raise our families in a safe nurturing environment, a lot of uneducated inept Indians try and condemn the efforts of our tribal law enforcement as being unpatriotic towards the integrity of our tribal nation. Mainly because law enforcement in any form directly threatens their corrupted way of life that is not only disrespectful of our teaching but should be considered uncivilized amongst any form of respected government in general. I'm well aware of police corruption, and the abuse of authority amongst our local agencies, but that still does not justify the actions of those that directly threaten and jeopardize the well being of those that thrive within the community they are exploiting and manipulating to their advantage. Drug abuse is a very shameful way to live your lives if you consider yourself one of the people, and those that encourage its presence within our community are just as guilty as those that partake in them, and this is coming from a ex-drug dealer. I sold marijuana for many years, yet I constantly stood my ground against hard drugs, I hated hearing of what those drug were doing to my people, and yes I did feel like a hypocrite, it took a lot of courage to confront my own ignorance, and weakness. Yet I can't sit here and justify my reason for relying on the marijuana trade for supporting my family, I'd rather put my energy in bringing out the best in my people, not to condone the actions of those taking advantage of their communities through the drug trades. A lot of my clientele consisted of white working class citizens that appreciated the discrete professionalism I provided, but now that is behind me, it is something I learned from and gave me insight to a lot of problems of my community I am very thankful for. No, its not my duty to go around turning in people who sell dangerous drugs to my people, but I am going to continue being vocal in encouraging my community to denounce these actions and start letting these traitors of the Ojibwe people know we are rather fed up with their false glorification of living standards that are not realist of obtaining for someone who is born as one of the people. We are born with an important responsibility to our people being Anishinaabe. If they start listening to their elders half as much as the listen to the latest rap phenomenon maybe they wouldn't be as lost and directionless chasing these fantasies, its good to have dreams, but Gichi Manidou only gives us the means to follow them only if they're good-hearted dreams that will be shared amongst the people.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Discontentment at large

Seems that most shinobs have fallen into the habit or routine of being manipulated and mislead by corrupted shiftless figureheads, media, or their own self serving agenda. There is a serious need for civil discourse, we tend to be overbearing when we defend the confirmation bias of our ideals and and in some cases, delude beliefs. Ideals and beliefs that have removed our sense of community of being a tribal people, we have all to a degree become ignorantly stubborn in our ways that has divided us when it comes to finding fulfillment in pursuing what is of importance to us all as individuals, we misappropriate out attention to matters that we subconsciously identify as an opportunity to obtain leverage or a means of gain. Where as we should be giving our attention to the concerns of our fellow man in understanding them, assisting them to overcome or understanding their discontentment, but we have allowed our communities to fall out of balance and sync, we've for the most part have become morally bankrupt, and directionless. We have not only lost our sense of community, but we are also guilty of nurturing a relationship of perpetuating racism and internalized oppression, the minority is not the only one vulnerable to the rigors of internalized oppression, the white man in most cases has also fallen victim to his own racist ignorance, ignorance which prevents him from benefiting civilly from those that are directly disenfranchised within the shared community by the systematic institutionalized racism, racism that he may have become vulnerable into being inherently indoctrinated to defend these racist behaviors, and ideals victimizing his fellow man. His conferred dominance becomes a shortcoming when his obliviously racist actions are result of his bias beliefs that are obviously obsolete in maintaining harmony within a diverse community. He'd rather find justification in his ignorance that helps oppress stereotypes of his fellow man rather then being of value to them in overcoming these routines of a racist society. The misappropriations of priorities becomes a way of life for those relentlessly bombarded with neglect and ignorance, hope become a luxury at the cost of ones integrity of cultural identity where we either sacrifice our culture for humanity or our humanity for our culture. We allowed our teaching and beliefs to become regarded as uncivilized or unsophisticated by those pretentiously ignorant individuals that have an common lack of respect for their fellow man. This lack of common courtesy and respect should be regarded as uncivilized in the eyes of any man that considers himself as a consciously enlightened sophisticated cultured person. I believe a lot of men are afraid to look within themselves to evaluate what kind of man they actually are, and that alone will prevent them from ever obtaining any real sense of fulfillment as a productive member of society, at least a society we can all take pride in together. Civic participation should not be regarded as a privileged for the Native American, but an obligation to any that consider themselves leaders amongst us. Those that stand up to represent our issues effectively should be attuned to the reality of our concerns of their constituents as well as transparency in their character to achieve prosperity for our people and those we share community with as well.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stupid Indians part 2

By the sounds of what is being said as of lately it seems that these supposed "Democrats," and their token Indians are feeling threatened by our actions. Those "sit around the fort Indians" that continue to refuse to support our campaign of awareness, that involve themselves within the insensitive Democratic organization of Northern Minnesota are sowing the seed of discontentment for their people. I will not support those that find comfort in structural racism, Their resentment of our actions have forced them to regress into these insensitive ignorant political ideals they have subscribed to. They have invested too much to question the obvious discontentment victimizing their fellow man. They refuse to confront and question the racial misconduct that is being orchestrated by those that have interest within their organization in manipulating and misappropriating the interest of the Ojibwe people. These brown nosing Natives are very disgraceful not only to their people, but to our community at large, there is a lack of balance within our community and it is a direct result from these shiftless Ojibwes allowing the misrepresentation of our issues, and them not adhering to the sorrows of those disenfranchised by this racism is very shameful. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to the systematic institutionalized racism victimizing our community, its been in place and re-enforced ever since ol' Tams Bixby came here to turn this town into a health spa for rich white men. Now that we have become accustom to identifying this racism, those guilty of its disgusting practices have come to its defense, they attempt to justify its means by claiming that those of us that are confronting this racism are inept and unqualified to stand against it. That is just another pathetic attempt to undermine and belittle the Native American to the standards set before us by those vulnerable to the inherent racism that is indoctrinated into life here in Northern Minnesota. Warriors for Justice is a movement of enlightenment more than a political party, we're here to confront every aspect of ignorance preventing our community from attaining balance. To not only confront systematic institutionalized racism, but to confront the internalized oppression victimizing those that lack the fortitude to stand against the obvious injustices as well. Because those that consider themselves actively involved in their community through political means have not only failed their people and community, but they have also failed their ancestors by making our community vulnerable to these insensitive practices victimizing their decedents. So go ahead and refuse to support these Warriors for Justice, just know that our actions will hold you accountable to your obvious betrayal and treachery. This is not over, we're just getting started.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Anishinaabe Nagiidow

I have many things to be thankful for, my family, my strength, the path I have been given has been an enlightening one. I have taken many things from walking this path, I have made many friends, today was a very good day, easier then yesterday, a breath of fresh air compared to a month ago, and tomorrow looks even better. I am very thankful for having the courage to follow my dreams, having the means to provide hope in seeing them though is a blessing in itself, Gichi Manidou has gifted me with a task, a very difficult one. Yet a gift that is to be shared by all my fellow countrymen of the Ojibwe nation, we must look to our children for strength, we must listen to our hearts, we will find our way once again, pray for your enemies to have the strength to understand you, pray for your brothers to have the courage to question who you are, so we may learn how to be better Anishinaabe together. Our ancestors will smile upon us once again if we come together to give them reason to rejoice, we have disappointed them for too long, we have forced them to turn their backs on us, a lot of ceremonies are done in vain because they have abandoned us to our own neglect of honoring them properly, honoring them in how we live our lives is all they ask of us. We have fallen out of balance with one another as Anishinaabe, we have the tools to overcome our sorrows and suffering, we just have to pick them up again, the old ones will teach us how to use them and rebuild what we left in neglect. Things that anger us about each other teaches us how to understand ourselves better, the truth is easy to understand once learned, the task is allowing yourself to understand, then teaching yourself how to understand will come with ease, because we will not understand until we find the courage to do what must be done, the gift of understanding will herald in a bounty of gifts if we receive it with honor. This honor will come by living your life by the teachings of our ancestors, we are not Anishinaabe until we start living as Anishinaabe, being Anishinaabe is not ricing or netting fish, just as gambling and drinking are not respecting who we are. Honestly, humility, truth , wisdom, love, respect and bravery are the components of a real Anishinaabe, its one thing to speak of them, because they have no value until you breath by them, look around outside of yourself, because we alone can not heal a nation. We all have properties of value, we all have gifts that were given to us to share with our people, we have to free ourselves from ignorance, hatred, jealousy, envy, greed, deceit, and haughtiness, these teachings are not our way, these teaching have lead our communities into an chaotic era of uncertainty. The teachings of our people will provide us with direction once again, adhering to these teaching is the first step towards respecting our children and honoring our ancestors, until then our children will not respect who we are, there will be no honor in anything we do, we will continue to be hallow directionless people blaming everyone for our discontentment, because it is up to us now to stand up and say this is enough, I am an Anishinaabe, it is about time I start acting as one.