Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Discontentment at large

Seems that most shinobs have fallen into the habit or routine of being manipulated and mislead by corrupted shiftless figureheads, media, or their own self serving agenda. There is a serious need for civil discourse, we tend to be overbearing when we defend the confirmation bias of our ideals and and in some cases, delude beliefs. Ideals and beliefs that have removed our sense of community of being a tribal people, we have all to a degree become ignorantly stubborn in our ways that has divided us when it comes to finding fulfillment in pursuing what is of importance to us all as individuals, we misappropriate out attention to matters that we subconsciously identify as an opportunity to obtain leverage or a means of gain. Where as we should be giving our attention to the concerns of our fellow man in understanding them, assisting them to overcome or understanding their discontentment, but we have allowed our communities to fall out of balance and sync, we've for the most part have become morally bankrupt, and directionless. We have not only lost our sense of community, but we are also guilty of nurturing a relationship of perpetuating racism and internalized oppression, the minority is not the only one vulnerable to the rigors of internalized oppression, the white man in most cases has also fallen victim to his own racist ignorance, ignorance which prevents him from benefiting civilly from those that are directly disenfranchised within the shared community by the systematic institutionalized racism, racism that he may have become vulnerable into being inherently indoctrinated to defend these racist behaviors, and ideals victimizing his fellow man. His conferred dominance becomes a shortcoming when his obliviously racist actions are result of his bias beliefs that are obviously obsolete in maintaining harmony within a diverse community. He'd rather find justification in his ignorance that helps oppress stereotypes of his fellow man rather then being of value to them in overcoming these routines of a racist society. The misappropriations of priorities becomes a way of life for those relentlessly bombarded with neglect and ignorance, hope become a luxury at the cost of ones integrity of cultural identity where we either sacrifice our culture for humanity or our humanity for our culture. We allowed our teaching and beliefs to become regarded as uncivilized or unsophisticated by those pretentiously ignorant individuals that have an common lack of respect for their fellow man. This lack of common courtesy and respect should be regarded as uncivilized in the eyes of any man that considers himself as a consciously enlightened sophisticated cultured person. I believe a lot of men are afraid to look within themselves to evaluate what kind of man they actually are, and that alone will prevent them from ever obtaining any real sense of fulfillment as a productive member of society, at least a society we can all take pride in together. Civic participation should not be regarded as a privileged for the Native American, but an obligation to any that consider themselves leaders amongst us. Those that stand up to represent our issues effectively should be attuned to the reality of our concerns of their constituents as well as transparency in their character to achieve prosperity for our people and those we share community with as well.