Thursday, July 15, 2010

Keepin it Real

Keepin it real, whats real to anybody that manipulates any logical concepts of our teachings to make way for their own degenerate self centered agenda. Shits pretty frustrating when most of these immature wanna be warriors or anybody that holds them selves in some sort of false standard are spouting off at the mouth about keeping it real, and 'stop snitching' they act as if their doing us a favor by living in total disregard for the welfare of our community. Our tribes have been doing a great job of reorganizing efforts to provide our communities with structured society where we can raise our families in a safe nurturing environment, a lot of uneducated inept Indians try and condemn the efforts of our tribal law enforcement as being unpatriotic towards the integrity of our tribal nation. Mainly because law enforcement in any form directly threatens their corrupted way of life that is not only disrespectful of our teaching but should be considered uncivilized amongst any form of respected government in general. I'm well aware of police corruption, and the abuse of authority amongst our local agencies, but that still does not justify the actions of those that directly threaten and jeopardize the well being of those that thrive within the community they are exploiting and manipulating to their advantage. Drug abuse is a very shameful way to live your lives if you consider yourself one of the people, and those that encourage its presence within our community are just as guilty as those that partake in them, and this is coming from a ex-drug dealer. I sold marijuana for many years, yet I constantly stood my ground against hard drugs, I hated hearing of what those drug were doing to my people, and yes I did feel like a hypocrite, it took a lot of courage to confront my own ignorance, and weakness. Yet I can't sit here and justify my reason for relying on the marijuana trade for supporting my family, I'd rather put my energy in bringing out the best in my people, not to condone the actions of those taking advantage of their communities through the drug trades. A lot of my clientele consisted of white working class citizens that appreciated the discrete professionalism I provided, but now that is behind me, it is something I learned from and gave me insight to a lot of problems of my community I am very thankful for. No, its not my duty to go around turning in people who sell dangerous drugs to my people, but I am going to continue being vocal in encouraging my community to denounce these actions and start letting these traitors of the Ojibwe people know we are rather fed up with their false glorification of living standards that are not realist of obtaining for someone who is born as one of the people. We are born with an important responsibility to our people being Anishinaabe. If they start listening to their elders half as much as the listen to the latest rap phenomenon maybe they wouldn't be as lost and directionless chasing these fantasies, its good to have dreams, but Gichi Manidou only gives us the means to follow them only if they're good-hearted dreams that will be shared amongst the people.

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