Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stupid Indians part 2

By the sounds of what is being said as of lately it seems that these supposed "Democrats," and their token Indians are feeling threatened by our actions. Those "sit around the fort Indians" that continue to refuse to support our campaign of awareness, that involve themselves within the insensitive Democratic organization of Northern Minnesota are sowing the seed of discontentment for their people. I will not support those that find comfort in structural racism, Their resentment of our actions have forced them to regress into these insensitive ignorant political ideals they have subscribed to. They have invested too much to question the obvious discontentment victimizing their fellow man. They refuse to confront and question the racial misconduct that is being orchestrated by those that have interest within their organization in manipulating and misappropriating the interest of the Ojibwe people. These brown nosing Natives are very disgraceful not only to their people, but to our community at large, there is a lack of balance within our community and it is a direct result from these shiftless Ojibwes allowing the misrepresentation of our issues, and them not adhering to the sorrows of those disenfranchised by this racism is very shameful. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to the systematic institutionalized racism victimizing our community, its been in place and re-enforced ever since ol' Tams Bixby came here to turn this town into a health spa for rich white men. Now that we have become accustom to identifying this racism, those guilty of its disgusting practices have come to its defense, they attempt to justify its means by claiming that those of us that are confronting this racism are inept and unqualified to stand against it. That is just another pathetic attempt to undermine and belittle the Native American to the standards set before us by those vulnerable to the inherent racism that is indoctrinated into life here in Northern Minnesota. Warriors for Justice is a movement of enlightenment more than a political party, we're here to confront every aspect of ignorance preventing our community from attaining balance. To not only confront systematic institutionalized racism, but to confront the internalized oppression victimizing those that lack the fortitude to stand against the obvious injustices as well. Because those that consider themselves actively involved in their community through political means have not only failed their people and community, but they have also failed their ancestors by making our community vulnerable to these insensitive practices victimizing their decedents. So go ahead and refuse to support these Warriors for Justice, just know that our actions will hold you accountable to your obvious betrayal and treachery. This is not over, we're just getting started.

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