Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You reap what you sow

All you can do is sit back and watch karma take care of those that manipulate their ways through life, these people think they can go around without any repercussions behaving in their false mannerism. I have faith things will be sorted out for these delusional people using and desecrating sacred things and taking advantage of those genuine people trying to provide the community with a sense of balance. They put effort forth to build some sort of false status amongst those they intend to manipulate, maybe they pursue these corrupt endeavors because of a self esteem issue, or some other matter pertaining to some inner conflict or turmoil. Non the less, their actions and behavior is less then satisfactory and robs others of opportunities that will benefit more effectively, or from those that genuinely appreciate and use this help to their best abilities to help others within their community. It just gets sickening watching these pathetic people running around making a sham of everything they can get their envious, greedy little selfish hands on, should I feel pity for these weak hearted people? Or should I put effort forth in striking them down to the level where they belong so they can wallow in their own grief they neglect and ignore from resolving properly? Because I see these people for who they are, not who they try to pretend to be, we should not exalt them for these falsities they try to push upon those directly threatened of being manipulated into seeing these people for who they are not. Justice is a word being more and more taken out of context these days, yet we witness it in action constantly, I guess these people will get to be rather intimate with its meaning if they insist on constantly calling down its wraith upon their heads. These Hypocrites are the ones that must own up to the selfishness of their treacheries one day, hopefully the lesson they are to undertake doesn't destroy their chances in aspiring to the person they think they are.

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